a new person arrives?

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(this is the pov before the last chapter btw! i hope you enjoy!!)

MAY 27TH, 2004

It was an average day for the black and white circus tent, of course the people who were in the tent lost what the day was after they been there for 30 days. 

If you land right now, the first thing you would see is a man holding a crossbow, pointing at a person who's body is all black kinda like a guitar bag but if you look at it's face you would see white eyes and a white mouth but the eyes have no pupil and there is no human mouth details 

"Hold still Void." The man said.


"Clam the fuck down Void, you need to stop moving."


X pointed the arrow and his hand stay still, he then he let go of the arrow. It slice off Void head. Void head quickly reincarnated.

"You are slow, you know that?" Void said with a teasing tone.

"And you are a jackass for rushing me. My shots need to be perfect!" X said in a very harsh that sound like he was being dramatic.

Void sighed before saying "It's not my fault you think everything you do need's to be perfect, but, hey what do i know, right?"

"For gods sake not this again." X mumbled.

Void continue to speak "You do know everything you do is always perfect right, X?"

"Yes Void, but, I feel lik-" X said but then Void interrupted him.

"Then stop pushing yourself so much! You are perfect as you are, X! Just.... you know what, forget about it." Void sighed but then saw a woman walk to them.

It was a headless woman holding a doll, you could see the bones and stuff in her neck. X and Void stared at her.

"Oh hey, Jane!"

"Oh hey Jane." X and Void said at the same time

"What are you two doing this time..?" Jane said.

"Well i'm practicing my crossbow shots!"

"But don't you think you should be doing something else X..? Like, maybe help someone new give a tour of the circus..?" 

"This hole? God Jane, no one has land here since Wiko got here and that was back in April!"

Everytime someone land in the circus a person would ask them what day it is and once they got the answer they would tell everyone to see how long they been there.

"Maybe someone might land here today.." Jane said while she start to brush her doll hair.

X laughed "YEA RIG-"

Suddenly Jester/Charlie lands at the front of the circus. 

Void ran up to him and said "WE GOT ANOTHER ONE, FELIX!!"

X turned to Void then back to Jane "...i hope you rot in hell."

"But don't you call this place hell..? so i guess im already there.." Jane giggled

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