Chapter 8

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Jester woke up after sleeping awhile. He got up from his bed and walked out of his room. He looked left and right in the hallways to see if anyone was in the hallway, no one was there. It was just him. He walked in the hallway, he got to the entrance, he saw Angelica and Lacy. Lacy was on top of Angelica and they were both sleeping on the bench so Jester walked over to them and shook Lacy.

"Lacy... Lacy." Jester tried to wake up Lacy and she finally did.

"What Jester?" Lacy said in a groggy voice

"I just thought you and Miss Angelica would like to go to bed!" He smiled

"Uh.. thanks, Jes. But, shouldn't you be asleep?"

"....maybeeee!!!" He giggled

"Ugh... go to bed."

"Okay." Jester frown and he walked away

Lacy turned to Angelica who was still asleep

"Angel..." Lacy shook Angelica awake

"Let's go to bed." Lacy stood up and Angelica stood up and followed her.

With Felix and Jonathan tho, Jonathan was sitting in the chair that was in front of Felix's desk. Felix was looking at Jonathan's paper.

"How come it says you died when I knew you were officially gone?"

"I don't know." Jonathan said

"You do know and I know it!!!"

Jonathan stood up

"I don't fucking know!"

Felix stood up as well

"You do!!"

An argument started.

From X's room, Void woke up, not even noticing the position he and X were in. Void heard Felix and Jonathan arguing so he got up and walked out of X's room, he walked towards Felix's office.

"CAN YALL SHUT THE FUCK UP? ME AND X ARE TRYING TO SLEEP." Void said while opening the door.

Felix and Jonathan looked at Void.

" can go now, Jonathan." Felix said. Jonathan then walked out of the office then walked in the hallway to find his room. Void went to his own room.


Jester was walking down the hallway, thinking about ways to leave. Suddenly, he saw a room with a name that had a huge big red X across. He thought it was X's room but then he saw the name Wiko..

Jane saw Jester and walked up to him.

"What are you doing, bud?" Jane looked down at Jester.

He looked up.

"Who's Wiko..?"

"Oh! Wiko? He was here back in April but then-" Before she could finish, huge black wings covered both Jane and Jester.

"I heard two people say my name!" The man laughed.

Jester turned, The man was 6 '1, white hair, red eyes that looked like he was a vampire that could suck your blood till you rot. Black shirt and brown pants.

Jane also turned.

"W-wiko..?" She asked with a worry tone

"Indeed." Wiko said with a husky tone.

Jane's eyes widened. Black wings..? She thought.

"Anyways," Wiko covered his wing back to his back.

"Do yall just happen to know where Felix is?" His voice sounded a bit sassy and his eyes looked like he was tired and ready to go home.

"Oh, he's out front." Jane said.

"Thanks." Wiko walked away before Jane could ask why he was here again.


Wiko approached Felix while pulling out a scythe from his back and before he could slice Felix. Felix grabbed the scythe, not pulling it, just keeping it in place so Wiko couldn't hurt him.

"Aye... Wiko, Wiko, Wiko, my sweetheart. Why are you here?" Felix smirked and looked at Wiko.

"The main question should be why do you call a 19 year old sweetheart while you are 38!?" Wiko quickly pulled his scythe from Felix and tried to slice him again but once again, Felix grabbed and held it in place.

"Heh. You look so cute trying to fight me." Felix chuckled. He jumped back and suddenly pulled out a knife from his pocket.

"That doesn't answer my question!" Wiko leaped at Felix.

Felix's eyes widened and he quickly moved left to dodge the attack. Felix threw his knife and grabbed a sword.

"Finally realize your little knife won't help... now will it..?" Wiko chuckled. He soon stood still and he let his black wings spread, they were so long and huge. They were 9' feet and the width was 12 inches.

Felix stood there, amazed at how Wiko's wings were black but then.... The sister had to do something about them... or maybe it was his fault.

He then remember, the day Wiko was sent to heaven


Felix was pulling on Wiko's right arm while 2 tall women were pulling on Wiko's left arm.

"Let him go! I got him first!" Felix said.

"He's ours, Felix.. He's ours." The blonde sister said.

Suddenly Wiko disappeared. Felix knew the sisters teleported him to heaven.

And that was all Felix could remember that day. Ofcourse, he knows there's more to it but he didnt care.


Felix stared at Wiko, his void eyes looking dead in Wiko's soul. Suddenly his sword became a scythe. Wiko's eyes widened but he accepted the challenge. He gripped onto his own scythe before sprinting out Felix. Felix already ran up to Wiko.


Jester heard metal clashing together. He got out of his room and knocked on everyone's door. He soon arrived to the front, with everyone else as they watched the fight between Felix and Wiko.

"So thats why Wiko wanted to talk to Felix.." Jane said

"I guess so." Said Jester

Everyone kept watching.

Felix held his scythe against Wiko's.

"Heh. I will admit, you may be strong, but damn you sure are a cutie." Felix laughed before jumping backwards. But Wiko charged at him. It looked like he cut open Felix, but instead Felix cut open Wiko. Black blood spread out. Void covered Jester's eyes.

Felix moved his lips to Wiko's ear.

"But yet... you're so pathetic~." He smirked as WIko's eyes widened before he faded with black dots into heaven.

Void moved his eyes from Jester's eyes

"Welp...." Angelica said.

Felix turned his head to everyone and stood there


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