Chapter 13

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"You seriously think anyone would believe this is a good idea? I hope you realize how much of a damn psychopath you are for this."

"Yes yes, I know. But, who really cares?"

"You should be lucky I'm even helping you."

Felix flicked the syringe needle.

"Jane, Darling,"

"Don't call me that." Jane said as he cut him off.

Felix didn't mind but he did get a little frustrated, he turned his head a bit to stare at Jane's exposed neck where her head should be. He chuckled.

"Heh, and this is why you are my favorite doll." He smiled

Jane shutted her invisible mouth shut but then said: "Why am I the only one you don't treat like shit?"

Felix's eyes widened, he turned fully.

"Excuse me?"

Jane cleared her throat.

"I said, why am I the only one you don't treat like shit?"

Felix stared at her before looking down at the ground before turning back to the table. The once blue syringe became green. Mixed with a yellow liquid. Jane's eyes widened.

"What are you doing?" She asked, nervously.

"Showing you what will happen if you ask THAT STUPID QUESTION AGAIN!"

Felix grabbed a rat that was crawling around on his office floor, he stuck the needle into the rat and within one second, the rat slowly laid down on Felix's hand due to the pain.

"Do you see the pain and hurt the rat is in, favorite doll?" He said with a smile as he looked at Jane for her reaction. When he saw the pure fear and horror on her face, he laughed.

"You realize I won't actually hurt you, right? Doll?" He asked with a grin slowly reaching his face.

Jane looked up and stared at Felix.

"You... are a sick bastard." She mumbled.

Felix laughed again, he put the dying rat down on his desk and walked up to Jane while taking off his gloves. When he got so close to her, he put his hand on their face, raising her head up so they could look at him.

"I could be your sick bastard." Felix said with a grin.

Jane stared at him, obviously, catching no feelings. They stared at him before biting his wrist away. Felix yelled and yanked his hand away, he then smiled and laughed. "You really are something, Doll."

Jane hissed. "And you're an asshole, plus, I fucking hate you."

Felix rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, whatever, Doll. Go back to... whatever you were doing before you got in here."

"Gladly." She said with a smile then walked out.

Felix stared at the door before he growled "And that's why she got no head, fucking headless bitch."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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