Chapter 5

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"Whats going on over here fuckers?"

A lady said.

Meet Lacy, 19 years old, white and black hair, medium hair, 5 '8, lesbian, transfem, she/her, she wears brown baggy pants and a white jacket.

"Oh Lacy!!!" Jane ran over to hug her

"How I missed you so much!"

"Get off of me, Jane."

"Sorry.." Jane backed away

"So what did I miss?" Lacy asked.

Void, who was standing in front of Charlie, moved away to show Lacy.

Lacy looked at Charlie.

"Is that.. A CHILD?"

"Indeed it is." Said X

"Oh I'm going to kill Felix."

"Too late, I already talked to him."

"And what did he say?"

"What do you think he said?"

"I don't even want to know." Lacy said in an aggressive tone.


"So what day is it?"

"May 27, 2004"

"Oh, I've been here for 2 years."

Suddenly Felix walked in.

"Charlie Aftic?" Felix asked while looking for Charlie

"That's me." Charlie stood up.

"Come with me to my office." Felix then started to walk away

Charlie followed after Felix.

While Charlie was following Felix, Void whispered to him

"Good luck, you'll need it."Void chuckled.

That sent shivers down Charlie's spine.


Felix was sitting at his desk, looking over Charlie's paper. Charlie was sitting in front of Felix's desk.

"So, Charlie, it seems here you are the type of child who is always running around, that is right, right?"

"Right..." Charlie mumbled, he seemed scared of Felix and Felix knew Charlie was scared of him

Felix sighed "Alright Aftic, I'll make this quick for you."

Charlie looked up

"I thought that might get you excited." Felix chuckled

"So, your name is now Jester and by your new name you are a jester." Felix chuckled

"Ah, it's crazy dont you think, Jester?"

Felix then looked at Jester and Jester just had a look of terror... He's scared. He can't be tho, scared is a human emotion and he is no longer human, he may look like he is, but he isn't.

Jester started panicking, his breath started getting heavier, he started to have a panic attack and Felix tried to cover his face that had a look of annoyance.

'This kid is showing human emotions.. How is that possible? The guide said that once someone dies and i teleport them here, they wouldnt have the normal emotions they once had, whats so fucking special about this kid.?' Felix thought to himself, his inner voice sounded annoyed.

Felix then looked to see the face on Jester's and the feeling Felix had felt like his heart had dropped. Jester's face was full of panic, confusion, and what seemed like anger.

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