Step Two- Suddenly Seymour

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The title of this chapter is based on a catchy tune from a dark comedy musical that features a man eating plant from space. The song itself, highlights every hero's dream scenario. Only this time the protagonist feeds the heroine's captor (abusive boyfriend) to the protagonist's man eating plant.

Every Empath wants to play the hero. They see themselves in the role of rescuer. That is what makes entrapment so easy. While playing the victim is the first step towards caging an Empath, it may also require enlisting other victims into the equation to truly motivate your acolyte.

The musical: "Little Shop of Horrors" is an accurate portrayal of how undue influence works. By feeding the ego of your Empath, you not only gain their trust, but you also secure your own lunch.

This may sound demented, and it is. Although, cannibalism is rarely the literal goal, the symbiotic relationship between a narcissistic abuser and their Empath relies on a common goal. The need to feed. Greed is often a driving force in such arrangements, but fear is covertly driving the narrative as well.

Having an Empath like Seymour, suddenly beside you, guarantees an extended reach in your ability to exploit others. An Empath's goal is to play hero in their narrative. Why fight it? Feed it, and they will feed you.

This method allows you to gain their loyalty, because the Empath will see you as an ally in their quest to do good. What they won't realize is that, while you are feeding their ego, you will also be peppering your advice with some well placed fear and guilt as needed. Their moral obligation to you will deepen as long as you're not too obvious about it.

Remember, you don't have to play the victim all the time. You just need to keep giving them someone to save. Just be careful that they don't form close attachments to the ones they are rescuing, or your knightingale may fly the coop.

The victim/ego balance is only the beginning. This two step process must become like a dance. You might step on each other's toes at first, but in time, as you pivot between the two steps, you will learn to make beautiful music together.

If you are interested in perfecting this two step method, I invite you to join me on the next page. If this concept sickens you, join me anyway. Don't forget the true purpose of this book. It may take two to tango, but it takes three to Enslave an Empath.

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