Step Nine- So, You Want to Go Outside?

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A fish out of water is an appealing prospect for, let's say a bird, and especially another larger fish. You must be careful to keep your live bait interesting. A dead fish will not fill your cooler with more fish.
They must dance on the line like a marionette doll.

This process has a duel purpose when your bait is an Empath. You do not want them harmed. You want them safe for your purposes. At the same time, they need to understand that the place they once called home is a dangerous place for them now.

What better way to accomplish this goal than the indirect approach. The world is a scary place. They need to know that you are just trying to keep them safe. After all you as their captor- I mean protector, know what's best for them.

If you tell them this directly, they probably won't believe you. They need to see it for themself. Your reminders however, will have a deeper impact once they are exposed to other predatory or empathetic people who haven't read this book.

Your fear of losing your Empath may make it difficult to deploy step nine, but if you don't they may find themself a new master anyway. Why hold them in the cage, when you can let others terrify them back in for you?

When others take a bite out of them, and they will, because dominance is how this world operates, stand back and be ready to reel them back into the safety of their cage. You will be their hero, and they will become even more helpful out of gratitude. This is where many predators fail, because their fear overcomes them.

[If you are reading this book in order to help someone escape, this is a pivotal moment. If you are there for the victim of narcissistic abuse, they may have a waking moment. This is also the moment when those who might be able to help usually mess up. In this pivotal moment they don't need someone trash talking their captor. They need a friend who isn't caught in the narrative.

Their predator has labeled you as harmful to them. If you tell them the same thing about their captor they will default to the captor, because your words will sound like the captor was right. Their own insecurities and fears will do the rest. Remember, kindness is the key. Leave blame out of the equation, or you will drive them even deeper into the arms of their captor, which their captor is counting on.]

The Empath is in a tug of war in their mind. The harder each side pulls, the more pain they experience. When this occurs they will likely default to the safer perceived option. In a world filled with predators, they will definitely see the cage as the safest place. They may even close and lock the door themself.

At this point your Empath is going to need some serious therapy. They need a support group. Make sure you have a team to provide that support or you may lose them forever to the corner of their cage.
They may be so withdrawn that they can't trust anyone but themself. They need to be reminded that there is no "I" in team. Let's turn the next page together.

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