Life changing

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I ran through the forest being chased by Loak. He grabbed my hair and pulled it back making me fall to the ground. "Oww,rude" I said looking up at him rubbing my head where the pain was. "Aww is the poor baby gonna cry" Loak said teasing as he continued walking. "Loak grow up" Kiri said backing me up in this one. She always took my side no matter what even if I was wrong. She was like my lawyer. "Guys wait up!" Tuk yelled out a little bit behind us. "Tuk catch up even spider is ahead of you" Loak said complaint about how slow both of them were. "Yeah well y'know I'm not 8 feet tall either" spider said, speaking up to Loak (literally) "he wished he was that tall" Kiri said playfully. Sitting on a branch way higher then them I say "come on slow pokes I thought y'all were supposed to be good climbers"

Loak gave me this dirty like he wanted to kill me. He probably did but that's besides the point. "I think I deserve to be a warrior because I'm basically the best" Loak said bring up the fact that neteyam already finished his training and Loak hasn't even started yet. "Yeah well if you were complaining and actually listened to dad maybe you would've been done by now just like teyam" Kiri said looking straight at her brother with a grin on her face.

Loak walking away with spider behind him.. Kiri walking the other direction. I feel like the only responsible one here. "Tiger can u braid my hair" tuk said, pulling on my arm. "Sure since we don't seem to be doing anything" I start to unbraid and braid this hair as spider is with Kiri and Loak is wandering off. Sometimes we wonder if Loak ever hit his head on a rock. He probably did but hit it so hard he doesn't remember.

We all start walking up a tree when we find a crash ship "are there any dead bodies up there!?" Tuk yelled out to Kiri and Loak looking around and investigating the cool looking ship.

"Sometimes I wonder if Loak ever finds anything good" spider says walking away knowing Loak is giving him a look. Kiri jokingly pushing me into the bushes when I notice avatars. I shush everyone and tell them to get down. "Call dad in" I say to Loak, him listening to me. We slowly and quietly walk away and we start to speed up. Running from the avatars until tuk and Kiri gets captured by them. Me spider and Loak holding up our bows, pointing it at them letting them know we have weapons and until we are forced to put them down.

A guy grabbing my braid and kicking my knees to the ground. I yelp in pain " wow bitch that hurt" saying in Navi so they don't know what we're saying "so your Sullys kids huh" this familiar looking guy says, I'm guessing he is a leader.

Sitting and waiting for hours, it's dark and rainy and no sign of mom or dad until we hear a warning call in the distance.

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