The decision

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We sit there, waiting in the cold rain. My eyes desperate to find hope. Loak knowing they're coming, gives me a nod of reassurance. Knowing tuk was scared for life I tried to get closer and wrap my tail around her leg. Kiri whispering prayers when the guy holding her starts being aggressive with her. Mad I try to escape to help her but that's when the guy holding Kiri gets shot in the head. All the guys now have their guns out shooting at whatever shot that. Loak and tuk bite some avatars arms to escape. All of us running when I notice the calling card... moms.

I run making sure everyone is behind me when I notice we don't have spider. I try to sneak back when I hear something. Neteyam!

He shootings the guy trying to assassinate me trying to protect his family. I run to him and hug him. "I can't find spider anywhere" I say crying into his shoulder. "Don't worry we'll find him" he says reassuring even though he doesn't know anything. That's when a guy almost shoots us but without dad being there knocking us to the side we would be dead by now.

We run to safety and we all connect together. Watching the sky people return to their ship, Kiri looks for spider. "They took him.." I say balling my eyes "no no, they took him"  I'm on my knees at this point. This can't be happening he was like a best friend to me. We would make bracelets and necklaces. He would braid my hair and put new beads in it. We would go hunting together, we would fly on my Ikran. I can't let him go. What if he dies and we don't know it thinking he's still alive. My life is falling apart second by second.

I'm in my hammock crying still. Kiri comes and checks on me, looking over the hammock to see if I'm awake. "I know it's hard for you but don't worry, he's a tough guy. He'll be ok" she said trying to reassure me. "He knows so much about us. What if he tells the sky people where we live or any other information. I'm worried they're also gonna do bad things to him. I can't stand him being gone he was like a piece of me" i look at her fidgeting with the first necklace he made for me for my 13th birthday. Kiri noticed putting a hand over mine looking straight into my eyes. " we are going to find him DONT worry"

At this point we are packing. Mom and dad decided that moving was the best option. We have no idea where we are moving but all I know is that it's away from the forest. The forest is my home, there's no way I can leave it. As we do the whole ceremony my heart feels heavy, it feels like it weighs a thousand pounds. We are walking to our ikrans and I feel this sudden uncomfortable feeling. We haven't even left and I'm already home sick. Neteyam has a hand on my shoulder, rubbing my back trying to calm me down. He's like a big brother I never asked for but I'm glad I have him.

We mount our ikrans. I make Tsaheylu, making the bond with my purple and blue Ikran, Seze. I named her after my moms first Ikran that died in war and I know she'll be as great. We start flying, all looking behind watching the forest go out of sight, start seeing oceans. I never knew my life would take a turn like this and I wish it never did.

I don't deserve youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora