Arriving "home"

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We've been flying for hours, it's been storming and I've even wanted to fall asleep at some point. Dad in the front with mom and tuk flying beside. I'm in the middle beside Loak and Kiri and neteyam is in the back. We finally see land, refuge. We fly around looking for a place to land and a horn goes off which woke tuk up. We land on this white looking dirt with teal water around it.

There's about 100 Navis surrounding us. I feel uncomfortable so I hold onto Loak. Neteyam and dad holding their hands out showing we come in peace and do not plan on attacking. We get to the middle and stop then out of the crowd these two boys that look around my age walks towards us. Loak and neteyam did the hand gesture 'oel gnati kamei' Scared I squeeze onto Loak tighter and he winced in pain. "Sorry" I whisper. "We're going to be fine Tiger, don't worry" neteyam assured me knowing I wasn't going to listen. The boys start to make fun of our figures, tails and even our arms.

This beautiful girl comes out of the water. When I tell you she's the most prettiest girl I have ever seen, I mean it. I guess even Loak thought so when I caught him looking.

He looked away, putting his head down so no one can see his blush but me mom and neteyam noticed the whole thing. I let go of Loak and put my hand on neteyams shoulder. The girl slapped the two boys "Roxto, Aonung stop" of course she was friends with them. Not in a petty way but she looks like she would hang out with a lot of guys.

Then there's this creature that comes out of the water. Me and tuk squeal and I squeeze onto neteyam. Knowing I hurt him a bit I let go but he just looked at me concerned. I have a nod reassuring I was ok. On that creature was a man that looked to be the Ole'eykton. He came out of the water and greeted us "oel gnati Kamei, Jake sully" he said doing the hand gesture. "I see you, tonowari " dad said back. All of us then followed doing the same thing.

"Why have you come to us" tonowari said in and accent I never heard of. Just then a women came through the crowd. I'm guessing she was the Tsahik, she stood right beside her mate. "We seek uturu" dad said hoping they would understand. "Uturu!?" The women said frustrated. She then started to walk around "their arms are thin, their tails would be no use in the water" she said as she grabbed onto kiris tail. "Back off" Kiri said that only a few people could hear. Holding up kiris hand she then said "They have demon blood!" Everyone looked stunned and scared. Neteyam and Neytiri giving her a death stare. The women then walked over to Loak and held his hand up too. I then got really angry at her. She can't just do this to our family, humiliate us in front of all these strangers? Dad took a second to think holding up his hand. "Look, look!" He said frustrated. "Look I was one of them but now I'm Navi. We can adapt." He then started looking straight at tonowari "we will adapt" he said desperate. I knew mentally dad was on his knees begging.

Tonowari and his mate started to look at eachother as if they were talking without actually talking. Tonowari then turned towards the whole clan. "Jake sully is well known and he has fought in great wars" tonowari then turned to my dad "but we cannot let you bring your war here" dad holding tuk as he patted her back said "I promise you, I'm done with war I just want to keep my family safe" tonowari then turned. "They will adapt. We will treat them like babies, taking their first breathe." Then out of nowhere Aonung came up to his father "but father wh-" tonowari holding up his hand looking at his son said " it is decided" the beautiful girl then started walking up to us. "Come I will show you our village"

She started grabbing some of our things and walked us around showing us everything then our home. Aonung and Roxto not far behind us. I could tell they were whispering about something. Loak then turned around and hissed. "Loak calm down, be nice" I said. He turned back around angrily. I then turned and looked at Aonung, him winking at me. Annoyed I turned back around and kept walking. All I heard behind me was Roxto laughing and Aonung complaining.

We got into our hut and mom was not happy. She dropped her things and did a aggressive sigh. Everyone looked at her in concern. We started unpacking things then I heard something outside. I went to go look and it was Aonung playing with little kids. He wasn't the best person towards us but Atleast to other Navi he was.

We then had a family meeting about how we need to get our shit together. "Family meeting now" neteyam said pulling on Loak. "Now be on your best behavior, and pull your weight. I don't wanna hear about anything bad from y'all" dad said trying to get us to listen. I was in my own world. Neteyam put his hand playfully on loaks neck. Loak hisses at neteyam making him take his hand off. I felt bad because neteyam was trying to lighten the mood.

"What does your father always say" mom said. "Sullys stick together" we all said sad and mumbling. "Great now with more effort" dad said forcing us to say it again. "Sullys stick together" we all said. Kiri rolling her eyes, neteyam being the loudest, and Loak just looking down. I comfort tuk as she wants to go home. I know how that feels and it's not a wonderful feeling.

We all get up and head to bed, preparing for the next day to come.

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