4: Maknaes And The Rain

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💜Thank you @OT7_nam_jesus for the recommendation. I hope it's according to your liking.

Author's POV:

The Kim's family were peacefully eating breakfast.

Well, only the 2 oldest sibling were eating their food.

As Namjoon wasn't home and went to the hospital cause of an emergency, the 3 youngest brats were acting up.

They wouldn't even dare to do this when Namjoon is here cause he wants complete silence and calmness while eating so the kids don't act up except Jungkook. That little devil doesn't care the slightest.

He gets a lot of timeout for this behavior but continues to do so, not giving the slightest care. And namjoon never spank his kids until they're 3, so the only punishment he gets is timeout.

Jin doesn't know what to do with him anymore.

He is completely different from his other kids.

The other kids would never do something when namjoon warned them, but Jungkook likes getting on their every single nerve.

And now, too, he was sitting in his highchair and chewing the cupcake and then removing the wet chewed cupcake from his mouth by his hands and holding it in front of Jimin to eat.

Jimin, being crazily whipped for him, nearly took it, but Jin snatched it quickly from Jungkook's hand.

Jin frowned when he saw that little brat had the nerve to even glare at him.

Jin shook his head while sighing,'This little brat is going to be a bully'. He came out of his thoughts when suddenly he felt a piece of cupcake hitting his forehead.

He looked up and saw Taehyung smiling at him innocently. Jin glared at him.

As he was going to pick up the piece of cupcake, he heard a whine coming from hoseok.

He looked up and saw hobi looking at Jimin offended.

"What happened, Hobi baby?", Jin asked.

"Dada Jimin threw the cupcake on me, and it made my new clothes dirty", Hobi whined.

He glared at jimin and saw him looking at him with his cheeky smile.

Jin sighed and got up.

He went to the twin brats and grabbed them from their hands, making them stand in the timeout corner, "stand here 30 minutes for throwing food around".

They both whined but shut down immediately when they saw their angry dada.

Jin then turned toward Jungkook, who was looking at him with his innocent big doe eyes, but oh, I wish his behavior was the same as his cute deer eyes.

He took him from his highchair.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around his dada's neck when he felt getting picked up, but frowned when he saw his dada going toward the timeout corner.

He started getting fussy trying to wiggle out, but Jin tightened his hold.

He was then put in the timeout corner.

"You little mister will also stand 30 minutes here", Jin said sternly.

But Jin gasped when he saw Jungkook suddenly start running with his tiny little feet.

Jin's POV:

When I came to my senses, I also started running after that little brat, but what the hell has he eaten that he runs so fast?

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