15: Haircut Day

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Thank you @SabahatAther for the recommendation. I hope you like it ❤️





Author's POV:

It was early morning, and Jin got up from his bed, yawning. He freshened up and went to make breakfast for the whole family. He looked at the calendar with a mug of coffee in his hands. His eyes suddenly widened when he saw that today was haircut day. He looked around in panic before quickly making breakfast and going to his and Namjoon's room.

He entered the room and opened the curtains, allowing the sunlight to enter the room. He smiled when he heard a small groan from the bed.

"Come on, love. Wake up. It's already late, and Kook is going to wake up too", Jin said, ruffling Namjoon's hair and softly pecking his lips afterward.

Namjoon nodded his head before sleepily sitting down on the bed.

"Jonnie, I'm going shopping with my friends, so please take care of the kids. I've already made dinner, so just freshen up the kids and make them eat their breakfast", Jin said, taking his car keys.

Namjoon nodded his head, rubbing his eyes.

"Take care", Namjoon said with his morning voice.

Jin nodded before leaving the house with a smirk.

After freshening up, Namjoon went to wake up yoongi and Hobi. Waking those two is easy, but now came the harder ones. With a sigh, he entered the twins' room and saw them laying down in weird positions.

Namjoon shook his head with a small smile.

"Hey buds, wake up", Namjoon said while shaking Taehyung but groaned when Taehyung kicked his face in his sleep.

Namjoon backed away before smirking.

"Too bad then. I guess I should wake up kook myself", Namjoon said, and just as he was about to walk out the door, both the twins got up and quickly ran out of the rooms.

Loud yells could be heard in hallways. Probably of Jimin and Tae fighting over who'll wake up Jungkook.

"Poor kook. These two won't even let that poor baby date one day", Namjoon said before walking after the twins.

He smiled when he saw the twins smooching Jungkook's face with kisses who was yawning and snuggling onto Taehyung's chest.

Namjoon went up to them and picked up Kook.

"Both of you freshen up, and whoever freshens up first can feed kook", Namjoon said while pecking Kook's forehead.

When Taehyung and Jimin heard that, their eyes widened. Both of them ran towards the bathroom.

Namjoon did Jungkook's morning routine before making him sit on the high chair. He gave Kook a carrot to chew on.

"Be careful", Namjoon told the twins when he saw how they were running to the dining table.

"Me first", both of them said at the same time.

"Then you both can feed him, but one bite at a time", Namjoon said, placing pancakes on the twins plates and fruits and vegetables on Jungkook's plate.

"Dada, why you no give kookie yummy pancakes", Jimin asked and gave Jungkook a bite of cucumber.

"Kook likes fresh fruits and vegetables for breakfast; that's why", Namjoon said, placing pancakes in Yoongi's and Hobi's plates too.

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