Chapter 4

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Minji's Pov

It's currently 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Hanni and I just finished our date and I decided to drop her off at the bakery.

Once we arrived, I stopped the car on the side and looked at Hanni as she gathered her things.

"Thank you for today baby. I miss our little dates, and sorry again for not being able to have dinner with you" I said and kissed her cheek

"Thank you too love. Please, for the hundredth time, stop spoiling me. I don't like it when you spend so much money on me" She said as she gave me a peck on the lips.

"I'm sorry, you know I can't help it. I'll walk you inside, love" I got out of the car and opened her door for her. I took her bag and intertwined my hand with hers.

I opened the door to the bake shop and was welcomed by the sweet smell of pastries.

We went back to her office and guess who we saw sitting on her couch.

None other than Jay....

Why is he here? He's acting like he owns the place, I thought as I placed Hanni's bag down on her desk.

"Jay! What brings you here?" Hanni asked, excited to see him.

"I figured you haven't had your dinner yet, so I brought you food. We can have dinner together, like always" He said, looking at me grinning like he won.

"That's so thoughtful of you, Jay. Of course, we can even share!" Hanni said and grabbed a chair for Jay to sit on, while Jay prepared the food.

I couldn't stand listening to their sweet talks. I scoffed as I said in a low tone

"Acting like her boyfriend now? How desperate are you?" Jay just glared at me, he obviously heard it.

"Love you should get going now. You'll be late for dinner, don't worry I'm fine. Jay is here to help me" Hanni said as she got up, walking to me.

Hanni is dense sometimes, she doesn't detect others flirting with her. I'm not jealous at how Hanni sweetly talks to Jay. She talks like that to everybody.

It's just that..... even obvious flirting, she still doesn't feel it. But when it comes to me, she has the eyes of a hawk and gets really possessive. It's cute tho, she looks cute when she's angry.

I said nothing and grabbed her by the waist, kissing her passionately. She responded to my kiss and wrapped her arms around my neck.

I opened my eyes and looked at Jay, smiling at the kiss. Jay just flicked his tongue and went back to eating his food. I frowned at his childishness.

I pulled back and looked at Hanni who was now flustered.

"That was sudden, love" I laughed at the remark and kissed her forehead. "I'll be going now, take care baby...... You too Jay" I said, walking out of her office.

- 30 minutes later -

I had finally arrived at my parents house. Their house is on top of a mountain, so it takes a while to get up here.

The other families that live here are also pretty wealthy. Houses around these areas are difficult and extremely expensive to get.

Looking at the house, a few memories flashed in my mind. I haven't been here since graduation, which was a year and a half ago.

It was still the same old house I grew up in. They did have it renovated, but only changed a few minor details.

I drove to the garage and parked my car. There were 3 other cars parked outside so the others have probably arrived already. I rang the doorbell and after a few seconds one of their maids opened the door.

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