Chapter 11

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Hanni's Pov

She laughed at what I said. Feeling annoyed I snapped at her, "Really... I complimented you two and you just laughed at me. Same old Minji, never changed" I scoffed and was about to get up.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. My fault, it's just that, you got the wrong impression. We broke off the engagement years ago" She confessed as she still kept giggling.

"What happened" I asked, still annoyed by her giggling so I stepped on her foot. She groaned and held up her leg.

"God, Hanni, that hurts"

"Serves you right. Now spill, hurry" I said, rolling my eyes at her.

"Long story short, but Danielle's Father faced jail time for corruption. We saw an opportunity, so we took and told dad we wanted to breach the contract. He had no choice, her Father's company was sold. We broke it off and two years later Dani and Haerin got together. That's why I said she just celebrated her anniversary"

What on earth is happening.... First, I found out that Sunoo is already married. Then, Dani and Minji never actually got married.

Lastly, Haerin and Dani got together..... Never thought Haerin was bold enough to pursue her.

I mean what's next..... Don't tell me there's other things that I don't know of. I seriously missed a whole book.

"Seeing you with that look on your face makes me wonder what I said wrong" Minji said, scratching her head.

"Wow, I seriously missed a lot while I was gone" I said as my nose flared and I had this unreadable expression on my face. She laughed and pinched my nose.

"You certainly did, and I just found out that you still have a habit of flaring your nostrils"

"Stop it, will you" I annoyingly said as I stood up. She followed behind me. I opened the door and was about to get out when I suddenly heard a loud noise.


Lighting just strikes a few feet away from us. I jumped onto her arms as she held me tight. She caress my shoulder and says, "It's okay. We're safe, inside"

"It was still sunny out when I got here" I was so caught up with talking to Minji that I didn't even realize it had started to rain.

"You didn't notice? You must have really enjoyed my company" she jokingly said. Hoping to lighten up the mood. I smacked her shoulder and she just laughed.

"I have an umbrella in my car, wait here" She said as she wore her cap and ran to her car.

She went back with an umbrella and I said, "You're all wet now"

"It's fine, do you have a car or is someone picking you up" She asked as she took her cap off.

"I.... don't have a license and Jay and I just fought a while ago. So, I'm in no mood to call him"

"Really, you're 23, turning 24 yet you still don't drive" She asked, astonished by the fact.

"Driving is too much of a hassle" I said as I whined. I was ashamed to admit it but I knew Minji wasn't the judgemental type.

"I'll drop you off" She offered, I didn't wanna say no so I just nodded. She pulled me next to her and we walked slowly towards her car.

The drive home was quiet but wasn't awkward. We were used to it, we didn't feel like words needed to be said.

She stopped the car, and turned to me.

"Thank you for today, Hanni" She genuinely said, grabbing my hand as she kissed it. I got startled, but gladly returned the gesture by kissing her on the cheek.

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