Chapter 22

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Haerin's Pov

Growing up, I never had that many friends. I was always shy and hesitant to communicate to other people I didn't know of. It had always been like that for years.

Kids would make fun of me. They'd call me a weirdo because I was always so distant compared to other kids my age. My parents have always been supportive. They tried and tried to get me to play around with the kids in our neighborhood but every time ... it never works.

My face was always stuck on my TV. If not, I was probably sleeping or studying for something that wasn't even related to school. Soon, my parents stopped forcing me, they understood my behavior and didn't want to pressure me with making friends.


I've always wanted to find friends of my own. But every time I do, something in me just forces me to stop. I don't know why, it just happens. Maybe because I was scared of what others would say about me.

I wasn't even trying to make friends at school, I insulated myself from other students, yet they always find ways to call me names and insult me. What more if I was the one who initiated, made a move.

I was always haunted by that one fear. Maybe I am a coward, or maybe I'm just a sensitive person. But either way, it still hurts knowing that I was always a loner.


That changed...

My Father worked for the Kim Family, practically everyone in Seoul does. It was summer break at the time, I was an incoming High School student. I dreaded the first day of school, thinking that I'd always be some weird kid in everyone's eyes. Which is why all summer, I worked on my anxiety and practiced walking up to strangers to ask for simple directions. Most of the time, it was a success and I was able to strike up a tiny conversation but there were times where I'd meet very intimidating people. Making me suddenly walk away, leaving the person confused. It was a small step but at least I was doing something.

But that day, was "Bring your kid to work day." The company my dad worked under has scheduled a different time since their boss, the CEO, also wanted to hold a small ceremony. He was going to bring his heir to the company and finally introduce her to everyone.

Of course, my Father brought me since I was his one and only daughter. A part of me wanted to go, curious to see the infamous "Kim Minji" up close. But the other part of me just wanted to stay home.

I was thankful I came in the end.

Because little did I know. That day was going to be one of the best days of my entire life. I'm not even exaggerating at this point. I was so stoked to finally make a friend. Even if it was the cold hearted and harsh Kim Minji. I was going to get through it, finally make my first ever friendship count.

— Flashback —

"Haerin, please stay close to me. I don't want you wandering around the building" My Father told me, looking at me softly as he kissed me on the forehead. I hummed in response, holding his right hand tightly.

We were standing in the lounge room, where the ceremony will be held. It was fairly packed, a lot of employees brought their families with them. Even tho it was only "Bring your kid to work day." You would still be able to find a worker's mother, cousin, children, wife, and even close friends.

They really took advantage of the situation. I mean who wouldn't.

My Father.....

Seeing her is something very rare. In other words, once in a blue moon. Very rare to see in the public, and if you do, she's either wearing a mask or a cap, covering her face from the media. If not, you'll see her in news outlets, giving out a speech for important events.

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