Actions & Consequences pt.4

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It's been 3.5 days..
I say this precisely because it's exactly half a week until Mother's Social, and also half a week since that intense conversation during dinner.

I thought that my sleep at night would become better now that the nails are placed in Tessa's windows, but since that day, the strain on the relationships in this household has made it even worse.

A silent treatment from Mother and weird, awkward looks from both Tessa and Bill.

It's been 3.5 days of this quietness, and every meal together is odd.. and no one seems hungry.

It's driving me mad.

It's time to actually fix this, and get things back in order.

I know things are really bad because Mother has spent hours at her prayer rock everyday, praying quietly by our pond.

She's out there now this afternoon, and it's nearly 83 degrees out.

I decide to go join her.

"Mama?" I interrupt.

For a second she ignores me, and continues to pray.

I listen to the crickets chirp in the grass beside us and the tiniest orange fish swim quickly by us..

I listen to the crickets chirp in the grass beside us and the tiniest orange fish swim quickly by us

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She peaks one eye open.

"Dolly Avon. " She begins.
"The good Lord told me you'd be coming to me."

I gulp.. "He did?"

"Go to the shed, grab us our picking baskets."
She demands sweetly.
"And don't forget our gloves."

I mutter a "yes ma'am," and quickly do as I'm told..

Mother and I scour parts of our land for Bluebell flowers

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Mother and I scour parts of our land for Bluebell flowers.

She swears they'll sit beautifully in the arrangements of our already picked white John Quills..

She wants bouquets to decorate the house with during this upcoming Social.

We soon begin to pick at the flowers.

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