My Forever (Gerard Butler)

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Gerard Butler as Dracula in "Dracula 2000"

You guys I am soooo behind on story request so for the next few weeks I'm going to try and knock out all of the ones I have already said yes to lol

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

You guys I am soooo behind on story request so for the next few weeks I'm going to try and knock out all of the ones I have already said yes to lol.
And then I will probably need to take a little break from requests before I drain all of my creativity.

Before I write my requests I always try to research the character a bit before writing about them.
I usually watch the movie they came from or watch a little of the TV series they are from.

So before I can recommend this movie, I'm going to be super honest!
In my opinion the movie had some pretty cool Y2K aesthetics and of course Gerard Butler plays an extremely seductive vampire which was pretty awesome, but the movie plot was just a little cheesy lol! So just a fair warning, still a fun watch tho!

Tags: #CNC #NonCon #dub!con #Vampire #y2k
NarrativePOV #GerardButler #RoughSeggss #Fluff #PetNames #Violence #Dom&FemSub #AgeGap
#V!rginityTaking #DarkRomance #18+ #Romance #Su!cide #Smut #Murder


The year is 2000 and Count Dracula has finally been set free.

Being locked away in a chamber for the last seventy years has dried his body out to a state of decomposed dust.
He needs blood, and he needs it now.

A group of thieves expected to encounter fortune and riches as they broke inside millionaire Mathew Van Helsing's property, Mathew being the direct decedent of the famous Vampire Hunter Abraham Van Helsing

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

A group of thieves expected to encounter fortune and riches as they broke inside millionaire Mathew Van Helsing's property, Mathew being the direct decedent of the famous Vampire Hunter Abraham Van Helsing.
Little did the thieves know that Van Helsing's chamber had no riches... The chamber was only used to protect mankind from the evils of a vampire that simply cannot be destroyed.

The thieves opened Dracula's bolted shut coffin and met their immediate demise.
Dracula drained each of them of their blood, one by one.

The blood pouring down his throat sends a chill down his spine each time.
His crumbling skin turns back into lively-youthful flesh, and Dracula becomes handsome once again.

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