How Much I'll Do

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A quiet breakfast ensued with only good mornings to have any conversation with each other," So, how was last night?" Anya's question came out of the blue," Why do you ask?" " You two slept together, even though Mama is perfectly fine." Yor grabbed her plate and quickly ran into the kitchen out of embarrassment," She just wanted to be sure if she was actually perfectly fine to go to sleep again on her own that's it." Anya sighed and took her plate to the kitchen to start washing it.

I can no longer use Anya as a practical mean to get closer to my target, school is no longer in session. Force may be the only way for this to work, I have to scout ways to do this more efficiently. Doing my job with that assassin is not making it any easier, is she keeps getting in the way like this, she'll start make stall progress again.

" Yor, will you be going back in for work today?" Yor nodded," Unfortunately, I really don't want to go back. But still, I'll still have to ask about dinner." Loid smiled and went over to the front door," I'll see you tonight. Anya, when we leave for dinner, you better had cleaned up the house." Anya smiled and waved goodbye, leaving Anya and Yor there. Yor was quietly humming to herself and Anya playing with her toys," Mama, when are you going to tell Papa about how you feel?" Yor smiled politely and looked up at Anya," Whenever the time is right, when we are both right for the moment." Yor got done washing and headed straight towards the door, she waved goodbye and headed out.

Yor went to her desk and started working," How are you doing Yor? Ready for dinner?" She looked over to see Elara giving a soft smile," Mostly, do you have any clue on where we're going and when?" " The restaurant in downtown, the one next to the lakeside." Yor looked surprised," That's really expensive." " Don't worry my other job will pay for the dinner, just get your fancy clothes and I'll pay for everything."

Elara got up from her desk and went over to the break chart, she marked herself and walked out of the city hall. Loid came from the back in front of the city hall with two vintage suitcases and sat down at a bench, Elara saw Loid and walked up to him. She sat down beside him," Here, there's your money. Whatever you do with it is not my problem, I just hope it goes towards your family." Elara smiled," Don't worry, it'll go straight to my family. I'm not planning to go for this work like some people." Loid felt bad to think to kill someone who just wants to provide," I do have another question, do you know anything about the Thorn Queen? That's the last thing I'll bother you about."

" I don't work work with her, she's the best. If you're trying to get her, don't. It won't be as easy as you think it would be." Elara picked up both suitcases and walked back to the city hall, Yor was on break and was sitting in the break room. Elara entered the room and sat down, Yor looked up surprised," You don't eat for long do you?" Elara went over to Yor and whispered," The Garden has been moved to a farm on the outskirts of the city next to the river, and there is an agency coming after you. Not just spies, the government also. Just warning you."

Yor tensed up and looked down at the suitcases," May I ask, what are in those suitcases?" " Items that could incriminate you and I to The Garden, there was an assault and if there was any type of evidence there of me or you. They would've gone for us." Elara sat back down in her seat and faced outside the window," Anyways, I'll see you at dinner." Elara got up and walked back into the office and Yor followed  inwards.

Loid changed back into his doctor uniform and came out of the bathroom, he felt a light tap on his shoulder and turned around smiling, to see The Handler standing right in front of him. She took his shoulder and took him into a forest trail," So remind me again, why did you need the $100,000? Because I swore, it was to pay off the damages because of how you terminated one of your targets. But at the same time, I just saw you give that $100,000 to the same person that caused that damage and is supposed to be dead."

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