Una Rosa Antenato

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Rebecca and I glanced at each other. I forgot about our little dilemma. She shot me a pleading look and I nodded at her. I turned back to Rosalie.
 “Rosalie, I think we should talk in private.’ I said, motioning to the Sky and I's bed room. She looked at me hesitantly before nodding and heading for the door. I motioned for Rebecca to stay put and she nodded.
When I entered the room I saw Rosalie sitting in front of the vanity, looking into the mirror to see when I entered.
“Now what was so important that you couldn’t tell me in front of my family?” she asked. I looked at her once before heading to sit on the bed. When the soft mattress let me sink in I looked back at her.
“I first met Rebecca a year after I was born...”


The coffee shop was filled with the hustle and bustle of reporters and office workers wanting a cup of coffee before spending the rest of their day in an equally as busy office.
 I looked down at the title of the New York Time newspaper. Horror strikes New York as families are being killed off one by one. I sighed and put the newspaper down. It wasn’t a whole family.
 It was the mom and dad. The teenage daughter had been killed by them and her bones stored in their attic. They deserved to day. Or at least that’s what I thought.
 I grinned evilly and licked over my canines. Maybe I should call in an anonymous hint about the teenage girl. They need a body. Maybe a decomposed one would be good enough.
I was so deep into my thoughts that I didn’t even realise that someone had came to sit in front of me. I looked up to see a human boy when a different smell of blood hit my nose.
He had a smirk plastered on his face and his grass green eyes just screamed mischief. He flicked a piece of blonde hair out of his eyes and winked at me.
I fought the urge to scoff at him. He probably thought that I was one of those timid girls who are about to fall head over heels by just a look from him.
“Did you lose something?” I asked, looking at him over the rim of the steaming cup of coffee. I hadn’t drunk anything from it yet.
“Yes I did. Myself in your eyes.” I smirked at his reply and turned my head away.
 “And what colour is my eyes?” I asked looking back at him. My sunglasses where still placed on my head so it will take a bit of close looking for a human to realise what colour my eyes are. He leaned forward and I leaned back.
“Next time you should think your pick-up lines through.” I mused and took a sip of coffee.
I was going to have to puke it back up again but it was not as important as at least looking partly human.
“Well maybe if you would come off a little easier I would have had some time to think it through. You are just too captivating.” He said. I smiled secretly inside. With a flourish I had my sunglasses off and dangling from my hand.
“You are good.” I said batting my long eyelashes, giving the illusion that I was falling for his petty affections. He looked at me with a lustful expression.
“You are even more beautiful than I thought you could be with those exotic eyes.” He said and leaned forward to take my sunglasses from me. “That’s why I’m taking these from your possession. I wouldn’t want you to cover them up again.” I smiled at him.
 “Aren’t you charming?” I mused. He smirked and was about to answer when a voice interrupted us. “Damian! There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” a female voice said. I turned my head to see a pretty brunette making her way over to us. When she spotted me she stopped dead in her tracks.
“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt.” She said, looking at me then at the guy I just learned was Damian, and then back at me. I smiled at her.
“No it’s quite alright. I was just taking to your...” I trailed off, not really sure. She smiled back at me. “He’s my brother.” She said. I motioned to the empty seat next to Damian.
“Please join us.” I felt more comfortable now that I know she isn’t his girlfriend or something like that.
She looked at Damian hesitantly. He nodded and she shrugged and went to sit in the seat I pointed at. When she was comfortable she turned her ice blue eyes to my face.
“Excuse me for being blunt but who are you?” she asked.
“Funny, I was about to ask the same question.” Damian mused, motioning for a waiter to come take his sister’s order.
“My name is Bella Diamond.” I said and watched as the waiter stopped when he saw me, before rushing forward again to the girl’s side.
“My name is Rebecca and as you know now, this is Damian, my pig-headed brother.” She said, after placing he order.
I felt a pang in my heart as I thought about how Alice and Edward used to fight like this. I quickly shook the thought from my head. I came to New York to forget about them.
That idea was blown to smithereens when I looked at the girl’s face more intently. She had the same features as Rosalie had, just a little more faint and petite. Surprised I sat back in my chair.
“What are your surnames?” I asked, looking at the two of them intently. I saw the glimmer of pride and excitement flash in Rebecca’s face before she sat forward in anticipation.
“Our surname is Hale.” She said, bubbling with happiness. Damian chuckled.
“Now you’ve set her off.” He said, looking at his sister affectionately.
“What do you mean?” I asked, trying to sound like I didn’t care when really I was burning in curiosity.
“She loves to talk about her family history. Especially about one of our ancestors. I think her name was Rosalie.” My ears perked up at this. I watched as Rebecca practically bounced on the spot from excitement.
“Yes. One of our great ancestors was named Rosalie Hale. She was reportedly the most beautiful in the whole of the family. No one could compare to her incredible looks.
She was to marry one year when one night she just went missing. Our family searched the streets for ages after the night she went to her friend’s house.
But no one ever found her. Not even her body.
Then her fiancé started acting weird.
At first Rosalie’s family thought that it was because his friends were dying one by one, all murdered or he was missing Rosalie. But then when he was killed the family found his journal.
In the journal was an entry dated on the day Rosalie went missing.
When they read the entry they saw that it was Rosalie’s fiancé that killed her along with his friends in the most terrible way one could imagine. It said that they left her to bleed to death in the alley where no one could hear her screams or cries of pain. It was horrible.
But as they read the entries that followed Rosalie’s fiancé told stories about how he sometimes saw Rosalie in her wedding dress, which went missing a few days after Rosalie disappeared by the way, and that she always promised him she would come for him.
On the day he died he had locked himself in his room with guards in front of his door to protect him. He was still writing in his journal when he heard the commotion from the outside. He wrote how he could hear her killing the guards and he knew that he was going to die.
He was writing about how sorry he was for everything he’s done when the writing trailed off the page, almost like he was dragged away from the book by strong hands. The family of Rosalie was so outraged that they refused to ever say his name again.
That’s why I only know him as ‘Rosalie’s fiancé’ But isn’t the tale just dreadful.” Rebecca came to the end of her story and looked at me with sparkling eyes. She thought of the story as something like a fable. Something that was really amazing to read but could never be true.
“Do you believe that that really happened?” I asked her. She smiled and shook her head.
“Of course not. It’s just some old story that has been in my family line forever.” She said, waving her hand dismissively. I thought for a few seconds before coming to a conclusion.
“What you say if I told you that I heard that story before.” I said, looking at her intently. She seemed taken aback for a second before quickly retaliating.
“How?” she asked,
“Only the Hale’s know of the story of ancestor Rosalie. No one else knows.” I gave her a little smile. “If I told you how I knew it you wouldn’t believe me.” I told her. She scrunched up her nose.
“Would to.” She replied. I laughed at her childishness.
“You don’t happen to have a picture of Rosalie?” I asked. Damian quickly shifted on his seat and took out his wallet from his back pocket.
“Yeah I do,” He said, holding out a thin slip of paper.
I took the picture and looked at it. It was Rosalie all right. Her hair was perfect and she posed with dignity, her chin held high.
The only different really between Rosalie-then and Rosalie-now was that their features changed. Rosalie-then’s was a bit more unequal then Rosalie-now’s features. I looked at them from underneath my eyelids.
 “I have a picture of her as well, but it doesn’t look like this one. It’s a more... resent shot you could say.” I mused, handing Damian the photo back. Rebecca looked at me surprised.
“Really?” she asked. I nodded.
“How?” I thought about what I was going to do next. This could end up becoming messy or I would simply educate them. But you never know if you don’t take chances.
“I have a bunch of photos at my apartment. I can show them to you if you’d like,” I offered, part of me hoping they don’t want to take the offer, part of me hoping they will. Rebecca and Damian exchanged a cautious look before Damian turned to me with a determined look on his face.
“We’ll go with you. We want to know more about our ancestor.” He said. Okay. Now there is no turning back.
“Follow me.” I said, placing a wad of money on the table to cover for the costs and heading out of the door, the siblings following me.

*End Of Flashback*

Rosalie gave me one final look before turning and racing out of the room. I followed behind. She zipped to stand in front of Rebecca who started slightly before smiling up at Rosalie.
“Auntie Rose.” She crowed and threw her arms around Rosalie’s slender neck. With a second hesitation, Rosalie wound her arms around Rebecca’s form as well.
“Rebecca.” She breathed into her dark curly brown hair. A satisfied smile formed on Rebecca’s face and she shot me a grateful look. I smiled back at her.
Rosalie and Rebecca untangled themselves from each other and Rebecca zipped over to me and pulled me into a hug.
“Thank you for introducing me to Rosalie.” She said to me. I smiled and gave her a squeeze.
“It was my pleasure and promise.” I murmured back at her. She laughed and pulled away. “You weren’t kidding when you said that you will always keep your promises.” I smiled and shook my head in conformation.
“Just like I promised to have a higher I.Q. point than mister-I –was-born-in-Noah’s-time.” I said looking at Sky with a pointed look. (For those of you who haven’t figured out, this means that Sky is more than 3000 years old. He was born when the Great Flood is over which puts him before the time Cleopatra and Pharaoh Tut-ank-hamen was even born.) He laughed and winked at me.
Rebecca turned back to Rosalie. Rosalie who, for the first time since I met her, looked like she wanted to cry. Emmet went to her side and she curled her up in his arms. I smiled at the happy look they made.
 Rebecca looked at me once for reassurance, which I gave, before turning back to Emmet and saying hesitantly:
”Uncle Emmet?” He smiled at her and released Rosalie before grabbing up Rebecca in his famous bone-crushing bear hugs.
“You got that right kiddo.” He said in his bouldering voice and squeezed her tighter. Suddenly a thought struck me.
 “Rebecca.” I called. She looked up at me when Emmet placed her down.
“Where is Damian?” I asked her. She gave me a sad look before letting her head sink.
“No.” I murmured. “No that couldn’t have happened.” I said backing away until I could feel Sky’s warm arms around my waist.
“Bella what happened?” He asked, shaking me slightly. I looked up at him and uttered the sentence I never wanted to say.
“Damian is...

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