Chapter 2

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A red haired girl enters ZepoDiner, her smile brightening up the room. "Maxine over here!" Says a blonde haired girl, sitting at a big table with a bunch of other teenagers. Maxine walks over to the table. "Hey guys!" She says. The blonde girl states at Maxine for a moment. "Alaine.." Mutters a girl with long dark hair. Alaine stops staring at Maxine and faces the girl.

"Why are you always so controlling?" Asks Alaine, grinning at the girl. "I am not!" Says the girl, her dark hair covering her face. "I think it's a Lydia thing." Says a black haired boy. Lydia slaps the boy. "Don't even Cole!" Says Lydia. Cole rolls his eyes.

"Where's Danny?" Asks Maxine. "Didn't you see his message? He cancelled." Says another blonde haired girl from across the table. "Again?" Says Maxine. "He does it a lot." Says a brown haired girl. "Rita, didn't you and Danny used to date?" The brown haired girl asks the blonde girl. "Shut up! You're like a damn new reporter Eileen!" Replies Rita.

Eileen laughs. "Speaking of news did you guys hear about Mr.Marty?" Asks Eileen, sounding serious. "The guy who lives in a shack in the woods?" Asks a dark haired boy. Eileen nods. "What happened?" Asks Alaine.

Eileen opens her mouth to speak but a dark haired boy and girl enter the diner. The couple approach the group. "Wow! Surprise, surprise the power couple Sophia and Vince are late again!" Says Lydia. The couple laugh. Sophia and Vince take a seat.

"So what happened?!" Asks Alaine, leaning closer to Eileen. "What we talking about, Nate?" Asks Vince, whispering to the dark haired boy. "Eileen was just about to tell us news about Mr. Marty so shhhhhhh." Replies Nate. Vince rolls his eyes and then looks at Eileen.

"Mr. Marty's house was blown up! His body was found with a knife wound in the chest!" Says Eileen, tears welling in her eyes. "Oh my god!" Says Maxine, alarmed. "Looks like there is a murderer on the loose." Says Lydia. Alaine slaps her. "Don't say that!" Screeches Alaine, terrified. Cole just sits there and eats. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Yells Rita, glaring at Cole.  "What?" He asks, with a mouthful of food.

"We just heard that someone died and you're just eating!" Shouts Rita but Cole continues to eat. Rita rolls her eyes and checks her phone. "Oh my god! It's 9 pm already? I have to get home, especially after hearing this recent news! My parents will be worried. Cya guys!" Says Rita and she places money on the table and races out of the diner.

"Good job Eileen you scared Rita!" Says Sophia, running after Rita. Vince runs after them. "Vince is so clingy." Says Cole. "No clinger than you!" Snaps Lydia. "Are you guys even still dating? You fight a lot." Says Alaine, staring at the two. "I just snap a lot. We're fine." Says Lydia and she unlocks her phone.

"Welp. I should probably head home to." Says Cole, placing money on the table. "Bye!" Says Maxine but Lydia doesn't bother to look up from her phone. Cole leaves the diner, a hurt look on his face.

"Why are you so rude to Cole?!" Yells Alaine. "What?" Says Lydia, confused. "I'm not. I'm like this with everyone." Says Lydia, and she goes back on her phone. Alaine snatches the phone from Lydia's hands. "Hey!" Yells Lydia. "You shouldn't be like this to everyone! Especially if you love them?!" Says Alaine. "Don't tell me how to run my life!" Shouts Lydia, grinding her teeth.

Lydia grabs her phone out of Alaine's hand, shoves money on the table and storms out the diner.

"Let's just collect everyone's money and go." Says Maxine. Alaine nods. The two of them reach for Cole's money and their hands touch. Maxine quickly pulls her hand away, blushing. "I- er- sorry." Says Maxine. "It's fine." Says Alaine, smiling. Maxine's heart gives a flutter but she decides to just collect Cole's money. After the two of them pay they head out the diner together.

"My car's that way!" Says Maxine, pointing to the right. Alaine laughs. "Mine's that way." She says, pointing to the left. Maxine chuckles. The girls head off in the different directions.

Oh what Maxine would give to have kissed Alaine right then and there.

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