Chapter 4

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Maxine dances with Lydia as music booms through the entire house. "Where's Alaine?" Maxine shouts over the music. "Huh, I have no idea!" Lydia shouts back.

Alaine bursts into the house, sobbing. "Alaine what's wrong?" Asks Maxine. Cole stops the music. Eileen and Rita race inside from the garden. "what happened?!" Asks Rita, alarmed.

"I- Sophia... And.... Vince... Are- are dead." Says Alaine, out of breath. The room falls silent. "What." Maxine replies, unsure on what to say.

Alaine is sobbing really loudly know, almost screeching at herself. "It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.." Alaine keeps mummuring, over and over and over again.

Maxine hugs her. "It's alright. We'll find out who did it." Maxine says, patting Alaine on the back.

Alaine however, still appears to be in shock, not even noticing Maxine as she continues to mutter random curse words under her breath.

Eileen dials 911 and they show up at Cole's house immediately. The officers attempt to investigate Alaine but it's no use. They then take Alaine to a mental hospital to maybe get some approved help.

"I guess they'll try interview her tomorrow, probably on the news." Says Eileen.

"We should probably just go home." Says Rita. The rest of the group agree.

Nate decides to stay at Cole's house. Nate really did not want to be alone right now.

"You know Vince might've been annoying and clingy but I'm really going to miss him. We've known eachother since birth!" Says Nate and he sniffs, trying not to cry. "Yeah, I mean I have known him for long, not as long as you though." Replies Cole, wrapping one arm around Nate.

"It will all be okay." Says Cole, patting Nate on the back. And the two boys head up to bed.

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