Chapter 7

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Lydia stares at the body, the rest of the group beginning to walk away. Watch your back. "Guys!" Shouts Lydia. The group turn around, Eileen has run back to the parking lot already. "Watch your back." Says Lydia, pointing to the bloody letters on the corpse's back. "My lord." Squeaks Maxine, staring blindly at the words.

"Let's just get out of here." Alaine mumbles, and the group turn to walk back to the parking lot.

Eileen stands there, staring at the ground. "Eileen are you..." Rita questions, brushing Eileen on the shoulder. "If you're gonna ask if I'm okay, I am in fact definitely not." Replies Eileen. Rita backs away.

"Wait... where are our cars!?" Cole exclaims. The group look around, frantically. "We'll have to walk back to my place to get cell phone signal. My house is the closest." Alaine announces. The group begin to walk to Alaine's house.

Five blocks left. Four. Three. Two. As the group is approaching the final block, they begin to cross through a park.

A rustling in the bushes scares the group and they pause in the centre of the park.

"RUN!" Screeches Maxine.

a/n: another short chapter sorry. Gonna write chapter 8 as soon as possible. Love you guys <3

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