Chapter 9

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Florence, a young woman with pale blonde hair and bright blue eyes is staring into the empty night sky. She clasps a necklace with the name 'Andy' on it. Florence sobs her heart out, her tears streaming down her face and dropping on a picture of her dead brother. "I'm so sorry Andy. I'm your older sister... I was supposed to protect you!" She cries into the dark woods.

Suddenly there is a rustling in the bushes. Florence jumps up, wiping away her tears, tucking the picture in her pocket. "Who's there?!" Screeches Florence. "I SAID WHO'S THERE?!" Danny creeps out of the bushes. "Danny. Oh thank god." Florence says with a sigh of relief.

"I'm so sorry about Andy." Says Danny. "It's not your fault Dan." Replies Florence. "But it is.." Says Danny, tears beginning to fall from his eyes. Florence frowns. "Of course it isn't." She says, reaching out towards him. Danny pulls away. "Don't touch me!" Screeches Danny. Florence jumps at the raise of his voice.

Danny gulps. "I'm not safe to be around Flo.." He says, staring blankly at the ground. "Dan... What do you mean? What are you saying?" Replies Florence. "I don't know what's happening to me.." Whispers Danny, shivering.

Danny wipes the tears from his face and then smiles. "But I do know what's going to happen to you." The noise of the chainsaw rings through the forest, joining with Florence's scream. "DANNY!" Florence tries to scream but her body is on the ground, the chainsaw crushing it.

And with that Florence is dead. Her last word being the name of her murderer. The same murderer that killed her brother. But his actions will catch up to him. Not now though. Not yet.

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