Chapter 11. Letting go...?

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You and Kanae arrived at the Butterfky Mansion. "S-so...Y/n...can we...forget what happened?" Kanae asked nervously. You nodded. "Whatever makes you feel comfortable." She blushed. "CAW KANAE KOCHOU HEAD TO THE NEAREST VILLAGE A DEMON HAS BEEN REPORTED." A crow called from outside. "Gotta go!" She waved to you as she ran off. Little did you know this might be the last time you hear her voice.

1 hour later.
"Hello? Kanae-San where are you?" Shinobu called walking In the door. She smirked as she saw you on the couch asleep. She came over snd shook you awake. "No....Kanae let me sleep..." You mumbled still asleep. "It's not Kanae it's me Shinobu." She said shaking you again. You opened your eyes and saw Shinobu. "What are you doing?" Shinobu asked smiling. "No longer sleeping..." You answered rubbing your eyes. "Where's Kanae-San?" She asked. "She's on a mission." Suddenly the door swung open smashing against the wall as you heard someone stumble in. "Y/n-San....Shinobu-Sama...." Kanae's voice was weak. You jumped up and ran to the door. Kanae was laying in a pool of blood at the door breathing heavily. "KANAE!" You ran towards her and footsteps came from the hall. "WHAT IS HAPPENING!" Aoi yelled. She took one look at the scene and took action immediately. "QUICKLY GET HER INTO THE OPERATING ROOM." You ripped your shirt off and carefully wrapped it around her bleeding torso before carefully picking her up and bringing her into the operating room as Aoi shoved you out. "Kanae-San..." you clenched your fist as drops of blood hit the floor. "Y/n-San?..." Shinobu cried from behind you. You turned around and she gasped. "Y/n-San! Your eyes! Your eyes are...crying blood!" You smiled at her blood rubbing down your cheeks. "I'm fine don't worry." You said going to your room. You neither answered nor talked to anyone the rest of the day. No word from Aoi through the night. Until the next day. "Y/N-SAN! SHINOBU-SAN! COME QUICK!" Aois voice echoed through the house. Withjng seconds you flung your door open and ran down the hall. Blood still on your cheeks. You opened the door to the operating room and saw Kanae's body. She was breathing. But the most comforting thing was that she was looking at you. Y/n-Kun....y-your e-eyes..." Kanae said sadly. She never cares about herself does she? You dashed over and kneeled down to her bed. "Y/n-Kun...if I...don't s-saw your d-drawing...of me.." Kanae said weakly. "I don't care if you saw it! I wanted to show it to you!"You cried holding her hand. She smiled. "Y/n-Kun...I-I" You froze. W-wait..what?! "Kanae-San...I-I love you too...please..don't go..." Tears steamed from your face. "Have no worry lovebirds Kanae will be perfectly fine." Kanae noticed you had no shirt on. " you...not have...a s-shirt...?" Kanae asked. "I-I wrapped it around you to stop the bleeding..." You admitted. "And if you hadn't done that Kanae would have died." Aoi stated. "O-oh?...thank l-love..." Kanae smiled. You laughed a bit. "Now it's my turn to read to you." You smiled. Then Shinobu came running in. "KANAE-SAN!" She cried as she hugged her sister. "Ara~ I'm...fine. Also if..we are a c-couple...your in law..." Kane smiled. "WAIT WHAT?!" Shinobu cried. "WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!" She questioned. "Uh..30 seconds ago.." She put her hands on her hips. "You know you need to go wash your face." I reached up to my face and left the room to go clean my face. Kanae' girlfriend now...

While you were talking to Kanae in her bed from her injury a crow cawed. "CAW CAPTURE TANJIRO AND NEZUKO KAMAFO AND BRING THEM BACK TO THE HEADQUARTERS." "H-huh?!? K-KAMADO?!" You cried. "Oni-San is something wrong?" Kanae asked nervous. "I knew these kids father. I have to go." I kissed kanae on the head and ran to the mountain. A faint memory of a man with a kind face and a scar on his head appeared in your head.

"Oh? Why are you out in the snow little one?" A man asked kneeling down. You shivered in the cold. He wrapped his coat around me. "Are you mute?" He asked. You nodded. "Ah here. I bought this to write a few notes down so I don't need it anymore than you do." He handed you a pencil and a notebook with a dragon on it. He picked you up and brought you to his home. "Oh my! Where did you find this poor child?" A woman asked as they walked in. The woman had a kind face with eyes that looked like they could be the pureness of love itself. "He's mute.  So I gave him the he notebook I bought." The man explained. "I am Tanjuro. And this is my wife Kie." He said with a kind smile on his face. "Mother? Father? Who is that?" A young boy from the doorway asked. "Ah Tanjiro come meet this boy." His father said beckoning him over. "Hello! I'm Tanjiro! What's your name?" The boy asked. You wrote your name in the notebook. "Ah! I understand you can't talk!" The boy had a sweet smile just like his father. You nodded. "Do you want me to show you around?" He asked. You nodded and Tanjiro lead you around the house.
Flashback over.

Tanjiro...why are you out here...and why are you and Nezuko wanted!? You thought to yourself dodging trees. Then you saw Kanao chasing after what looked to be baby Nezuko. "KANAO STOP!" You yelled. She stopped and looked at you. You unsheathed your sword mist trailing behind it as you cut through a tree and then sheathing it again. You ran over and picked up Nezuko. "Mmm mmm!" She had a bamboo mouthpiece on. "Hey Nezy! Calm down." She immediately stopped hearing the nickname you had given her when you first met her. She looked at you and tilted her head. "Mmm mmm!" She hugged you with her small arms. "Y/n-San? Why are you hugging a demon?" Kanao asked with a blank face. "It's a long story. Where's Tanjiro?" Kanao pointed behind her and Tanjiro was laying on the ground unconscious. "Can you start going easy on them?!" You cried going over to him and picking him up. "Where's the de- oh? Oh hello Y/n-San! Why are you here?" Shinobu asked. "These Kamado siblings are not to be harmed anymore." You said sternly. "Hey let her go!" Giyuus voice sounded. You looked at him. "You really want to go toe to toe with the first Hashira of this era?" He shook his head. "Good now bring Tanjiro back to the butterfly mansion." You said walking away.

You arrived at the butterfly mansion first, going into Kanae's room where she was resting in the hospital bed. You opened the door and she looked at you then her eyes landed on the child on your shoulders. "Ara~ why do you have a child on your shoulders?" She asked. "This is Nezuko. Nezuko this is Kanae-San." Nezuko looked at her and tilted her head. "Mmm mmm!" She said tilting her head again. "KYAAAHH SHES SO CUTE~!" Kanae smiled. "Mmm mm!" Nezuko responded smiling. "So Nezy...why do you have this on?" I asked pointing to her bamboo mouthpiece. She made a bunch of hand movements and moved around flailing her arms. "Mmm mmm! Mm mmm mmm!" She hummed. "I'm going to let Tanjiro decider that." You smiled and Nezuko nodded. "NEZUKO?!? NEZUKO!?" You heard Tanjiro yell. "Hey! Quiet someone important is resting! Follow me I'll show you where Nezuko is." A voice sounded. The door opened and Tanjiro spotted Nezuko and ran ofver to her hugging her. "NEZUKO I WAS SO WORRIED!" Tanjiro then took notice of you. "Wait a minute...your's-." He was cut off by a Kakushi smacking his head. "YOU DUMBASS THERE IS TWO NOT ONE BUT TWO  HASHIRA IN THIS ROOM! HAVE RESPECT!" The man yelled. "I-I'm sorry!" Tanjiro cried. "You. Kakushi. Get out." You said to him. "RIGHT AWAY DRAGON HASHIRA!" He quickly left the room closing the door behind him. "Sorry about him Tanjiro." You said pinching the bride of your nose. "It's ok! Also...are you..Y/n?" You nodded. "Yea that's me. Seems like Tanji and Nezy both remember me." You chuckled. Then the sun started to shine through the window. "Nezuko inside!" Tanjiro said placing a box down and Nezuko quickly crawled in. "Ok explain that." You demanded. "N-Nezuko is a demon...and my family's gone..." Tanjiro admitted. "T-Tanjuro and K-Kie are...gone?" Tanjiro nodded crying a bit. "I'm so sorry Tanji..." then a crow interrupted you. "EVERY HASHIRA AND TANJIRO AND NEZUKO KAMADO COME TO THE HEADQUARTERS." Kanae smiled. "Yes I'm able to walk now!" She said happily. You all walked to the Hashira meeting you helped Kanae just in case she fell. "Tanjiro Kamado." You said to him. He looked to you quickly a bit scared. The years you've known him you had never mentioned his last name. "Y-yes Y/n-San?" He asked. "This meeting is for you. Your on trial of hiding a demon. Nezuko Kamado. I don't know if I can help you." You explained.

"If they find solid evidence that you should be killed they will do it."

A/n: silly little chapter
Words: 1631

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