The Psychopath

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Notes- TW for violence, blood, talking of death/killing, language, and pretty much Brad existing

It was Will's least favorite part. He had such a fun night with Mike and now he had to go back to Brad and hope he didn't suspect anything. As Mike drove him back to the motel, he kept thinking about different possible scenarios.

"You could just stay over at my house tonight," Mike suggested. "If you don't want to talk to Brad. Just forget about him tonight and tell him you're gonna break up with him tomorrow."

Will shook his head. "It's fine. He's probably already asleep by now anyway. It doesn't really matter." It was only eight, but Will doubted Brad had anything better to do than get some rest. And he wouldn't make a big deal of anything so late, especially if he was tired.

Mike sighed, pulling into the motel parking lot. "Okay, fine. You know my number if you need anything. Call right away if it gets out of hand, you got it?"

Will rolled his eyes. "It's not gonna get out of hand." The bruise on his arm hit the door, making him notice it ironically. "It's not."

"Okay..." Mike reached out and took Will's head in his hands, giving him a kiss goodbye. "Just be careful okay, he's a-"

"He's my boyfriend. I know what he is, Mike. It's fine." Will opened the door. "It's not as bad as you're making it out to be."

Mike shook his head as Will got out. "I'm just looking out for you."

Will smiled at the boy's big heart. "Well, thank you, then. And thank you for today. It was... fun. More fun than I've had in a while."

"Of course. Thank you." Mike tilted his head. "See you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow." Will waved and shut the car door. He watched Mike pull out of the parking lot somewhat reluctantly. Half of him wanted to scream out for him to wait up, jump in the car, and go home with him. But if today didn't make him feel like a dirty cheater, that would, so he decided against it.

Will had a key to the room, so he fished it out of his pocket as he walked up to the door. The night was quiet with barely any traffic on the street. The streetlight across the parking lot flickered on and off giving the empty lot an eerie feeling. Then another one flickered somewhere else. Will shivered as he turned the key in the door.

Will could hear the TV before he stepped in, an announcer talking about a touchdown or something. Obviously, Brad wasn't asleep. He was watching football. Will opened the door slowly, peering inside.

Brad was already looking at him as if he'd been waiting for Will to come in for hours. He was slightly red in the face, eyebrows scrunched up in an angry position.

"How's Mike, huh? You two have a good time?" He sounded angry too.

Will stepped inside, shutting the door behind him with a gentle pull. He started to explain, "Brad, I-"

"Brad?" Brad asked, offended. "It's Brad now? What happened to babe? Is that Mike's name now?"

"Brad, I want to talk, okay? We need to-"

"You lied to me. You're not supposed to do that, Will. You said Mike was just your friend and I believed you for some reason." Brad shook his head, standing up. "I guess I was right, though. You're an unfaithful little brat."

It's not gonna get out of hand. Will's eyes slipped to the empty glass bottles on the bed where Brad had been sitting. "Have you been drinking?"

"Have you been sleeping with that ugly Harvard shit behind my back?" Brad was stepping closer. Open the door. Open it and run. Will couldn't run. They were just having a conversation. He didn't have to be scared. He'd just explain everything to Brad and it would be fine.

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