The Hunt

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They set up a fire at the edge of the woods to keep warm. It still wasn't warm weather time in Hawkins. Usually, the nice temperatures came quickly, but they were staggering this year.

Will put his hands over the flames and rubbed them together. Lucas, Max, Dustin, and Jane looked like they were about ready to head off. Will's team not so much. Mike was rummaging through their supplies, trying to stuff a third of it into a tiny backpack. Jonathan was leaning against a tree, far away from the fire. Will wondered why he wasn't socializing. He walked over to him to check out the situation.

"You doing alright?" he asked. "Aren't you cold over here? You should come to warm up before we head off." Will gestured to the fire.

Jonathan shook his head. "I'm fine. This coat is warm enough. I don't want to overheat... I guess I'm nervous about demogorgon hunting. It's stressing me out."

Will nodded. "That's understandable. I think we're all a little scared. I just hope everyone's smart and doesn't do anything that's gonna get someone else killed. I'd like us all to survive tonight."

Jonathan smiled slightly. "We'll see, then."

Max waved from across the fire. "Are you guys ready? We should all get going!"

Will gave her a thumbs up, running forward to communicate more easily. "I think we're just about there... Mike's still packing. You guys can start off if you want. You have the walkie-talkie?"

Max took it out of her pocket and displayed it. "Sure do. You've got yours?"

"Jonathan does."

"Awesome." Max returned the box to her jacket. "Well, we're gonna start heading out. Good luck out there. Don't, like, die."

Will nodded. "You either. But I bet we're gonna find it before you, so you really won't have that much of a problem."

Max rolled her eyes. "Yeah right. We'll have slain it way before you guys even start looking for it. I'm a professional demogorgon hunter. Plus, we've got special advantages."

"Yeah, that just seems a little unfair. Dustin can't call both the people with powers." Will crossed his arms skeptically.

Max put her hand on her hips. "Well, Jane and I make a great team, so we're a package deal anyway. I'm sure you'll all be fine without us." She looked around and leaned in. "Between you and me, Lucas and Dustin probably need us more than you do. I don't know how they'd fair out there by themselves."

Will laughed. "Well, I wish you luck again."

Max nodded. "Of course. See you later!" She waved and went off back to her group. They conversed for a second and then took off into the woods, cheering.

Will turned to Mike, who looked like he was just about done packing. Each group had a very specific set of materials. Two bottles of lighter fluid, matches, a lighter, a fire extinguisher, two pocket knives, a handgun, and flashlights for each person. It was a very specific system that Max, Lucas, and Mike had come up with at the store.

Mike stood up. "All done. Are we ready to go?"

Will nodded. "We should put the fire out first. I don't want to start a forest fire." Jonathan was already on it, pouring a bottle of water over the pile of leaves and sticks where everyone had been warming up.

"Alright," said Mike. "Let's catch ourselves a demogorgon."

The group walked along for a while with no activity. Jonathan and Mike both had lighter fluid ready. Will had the handgun. The woods were freaky this late at night and every small animal made someone jump.

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