undiscovered scp reader x 035 (smut)

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Your dad was the site director for the foundation so naturally you had a job there, you had only had the job for a few weeks but your ability made it easier to deal with the more hostile SCPs so you ended up working with keter class SCPs quickly,

You got your next assignment in your inbox, it was the file for 035 (do you guys say it zero-three-five oh-three-five or thirty five?), The 05 council wanted to know if you were resistant to his manipulation,

Your first interview with him was after lunch, so, in a rush to meet him you did some fun stuff to make the time pass quickly before going to lunch then setting up for the interview,

The guards brought in the mask as well as a young male d-class, as soon as the doors were locked the mask kicked into action, as you saw the d-class walk over to the case in a trance, his eyes fixed on the mask, mumbling about how smooth the porcelain looked and how he wanted to feel it,

When he put it on he started screaming and fell to the floor limp, and seconds later he stood up and brushed himself off, grumbling about the kid having acne, before sitting at the metal table in the room, and turning to stare at you, you turned on the recorder in your pocket and went to the door,

You nodded to the guard and he let you into the room, as soon as you walked in you felt the mask prodding at the mental barriers you put up before he was brought in, but even if he couldn't read your mind he could still speak to you telepathically,

"Why aren't you an interesting little enigma pretty lady~" he said "sorry but I can't let you in my mind just yet, your gonna have to wait till Friday" you said, "why Friday baby why not now?" He asked, "I'll be drunk" you said, hearing him chuckle in your mind, the whole time you were talking you were also conducting the interview,

"Awe~ come on~ just a little peak in that beautiful brain of yours~ I just know it'll be as good as looking at your beautiful face right now~" he asked, "maybe if you cooperate I'll come back later tonight and let you in deal? Now let's focus on the interview shall we?" You said, continuing the interview,

After the interview was over he whispered in your mind again, "I cooperated, when do I get my reward gorgeous?" he said "after the rest of the reaserch team is off duty, I'll see you tonight Prince charming" you said with a wink as you collected your papers and left,

After dinner you went into the camera room and rigged the feed from his cell to loop, and quickly left before the guard that watched it came back, you quietly took your notes to the observation room for 035 and sat down at the desk as one of your colleagues worked on his paperwork, the stack was thick and you knew he would be there a while,

You got to work on some paperwork of your own, and within what seemed like only half an hour he was, like you, on the page of paperwork, when you both finished he turned towards you, "did he not try to get in your head?" He asked, "yes, but only to flirt" you answered, "he didn't try to get you to release him or anything?" He asked almost bewildered, "nope" you said, he nodded, "well I'm leaving, so be careful, we don't want a breach" he said with a small smile, before leaving

"Thought he would never leave" you heard in your head, "how'd you do that? This is protected glass," you questioned,
"That's what I let you guys think~ makes it easier to breach when people don't think you can~ they let their guard down~" he said "ok" you said stepping towards the now unmanned door, and sliding your keycard through the scanner,

You stepped in, "maybe have a host for me pretty lady~?" He asked, "as a matter of fact I do," you said, the world seemed to turn liquid for a moment before it went back to normal, but with a d-class this time, he was tall and strong, with no acne, "no acne this time your welcome" you said "thanks, but why didn't you tell me you were a reality bender?" He asked, as the d-class put him on, "didn't feel like it" you replied,

"So can I get a looky loo at that brain of yours now gorgeous~?" He said, now with a host that fit his voice he seemed more attractive, but you kept those thoughts hidden as you took down the figurative walls in your mind and sat down on the floor,

You felt him looking through your memories and past thoughts, before coming to a stop as his aura changed from exited and flirty to straight up smug, he chuckled and stuck his tongue out, plaging your mind with thoughts of what it might feel like between your legs, it was long and thick, and you couldn't stop the blush from dusting your face or the heat from building between your legs,

You had never tested if the corrosive would hurt you or not and you would rather not imagine if it would, he looked at you for a moment before pulling his tongue back in his mouth,

He said, "you've shown me something so let me show you something," he continued, "I can make facial expressions, I just hide it from the foundation" he said moving his face like a human would if they said the same sentence, "now there's no one to see or hear us so why dont we have some fun~?"

You looked to the side and stood up, you wouldn't agree but you were horny, so you tested if the corrosive would hurt you by putting your finger in it, nothing happened so you looked up at him again, you hesitated a bit before answering, "ok" you said,

After you answered he wasted absolutely no time, he summoned a tendril out of the ceiling that wrapped around your hands and pulled you up suspending you a little shorter than your standing height, "do me a favor and reality bend your clothes off that beautiful body~" he said lowly and regardless of being a little embarrassed you did what he said,

You looked to the side for a moment before looking at his face, his eyes wondered your body hungrily, before two more tendrils spawned in each side of you, wrapping around your thighs and holding them up so he could see everything, "mm look his wet you are for me~" he said running a finger over your clit a few times making you shudder before kneeling Infront of you so he was inches away from your dripping pussy,

He stuck his tongue out again and started licking and sucking at your throbbing clit making you shudder and hold back moans so the guards outside wouldn't hear you, apparently he was having none of that, so you sound proofed the walls as he plunged his long tongue all the way into you, and you moaned at how thick it was,

He pushed the tip into your g-spot repeatedly, and quickly making you moan and squirm in your bindings, "mmm, such a pretty voice~" he said as you moaned louder as you got close, your body tensed and you felt a familiar knot in your stomach,

You nearly cried when he pulled his tongue out before you came, and he stood up and stepped back taking a seat on a damaged part of the wall before more tendrils started spawning,

They caressed your legs, moving towards your womanhood, as one slipped into your mouth, you heard him groan as it started pumping into your hot mouth while the other two started sliding into you, "343, your so tight~" he moaned in your head, and you moaned as they moved around, hitting your g-spot over and over,

You opened your eyes and saw him moaning and jacking off to you being fucked by his tendrils, and you were once again close to your orgasm, when the tendrils retracted out of you, one wrapping around his hosts dick,

He lined up with your entrance and made eye contact as he pushed into you, maintaining it as he thrust into you hitting your spot perfectly, and held it as he brought you to the best orgasm of your life, you came with a loud cry as he came inside you,

He slowly let you down and you used your ability to clean up and make sure you wouldn't get pregnant, materializing some comfy pajamas,

His host was quickly decaying so you picked him up and put him back, getting rid of the rest of the evidence, before turning to him, "I hope we can do this again, soon" you said before teleporting back to your room and fixing the cameras and the cell, before falling asleep, and having the deepest sleep of your life,

Scp x reader (Basically Gonna Be Smut One Shots P.S. Maybe Some Fluff Too 😉)Where stories live. Discover now