R E Q U E S T S pt. 3

154 4 15

Ok y'all I'm out of ideas again and I enjoy writing for y'all, so any ideas? Especially doctors I feel like I've been neglecting them writing about the scps so much, don't get me wrong I want you to ke-hold on, I got an idea *writes down ideas*-ep requesting SCPs I love writing em, XD -love,
Jay (author)

P.S. have y'all heard of the crane wives? Great music if you ask me

P.P.S. I just can't shut up can I 😂, anyway, I wanted to thank you guys for 2.69k and also point out that it's 69, I know DilysCruz probably would if I didn't (hey bestie 🙄💅) but back on track that's almost ten times my second most viewed story, I love you guys 😘 and if you need anything Im here, just dm me byeee<3

P.P.P.S I am also open to ship requests as well

Scp x reader (Basically Gonna Be Smut One Shots P.S. Maybe Some Fluff Too 😉)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin