999 x reader (fluff only) (platonic)

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   your alarm went off, another day, another multiple traumatizing tests to witness, another session with glass, another session crying into your pillow before you got up and having to change the cover,

   You dragged yourself out of bed, you got in the shower, but after you washed the important parts you zoned out again, thankfully you set an alarm for that, you put your clothes on, and dragged yourself out the door to the cafeteria to get another breakfast of fake food,

   You made your way to 682s containment, you sat down, you were idly wondering wether or not you'd be able to will yourself to stand when you had to clock out when the door opened and a laughing guard brought in 999

You stayed zoned out in your seat, reliving memories that you wished they would let you amnestasize as the other researchers got up and started fawning over the little blob and laughing,

You thought somewhere in the back of your mind to get up and do the same, but you couldn't force yourself out of your chair,

They let the little guy into the containment chamber, he made 682 more docile, nothing that wasn't to be expected,

When they brought him out it was near the end of your shift, and the little guy was staring at you the whole time he could see you as they took him to containment,

At the end of your shift a friend of yours had to pull you up because you couldn't drag yourself out of the chair, they proceeded to drag you to Glass' office,

You heaved a sigh as they shoved you through the door and sat you down on the couch, his office was cold, colder than every where else in the cold building,

That's when you saw Iceberg raiding his fridge, he made the temperature drop in any room,

Glass tried to help you but you left the room just as depressed as you entered it, and bright burst in after you jumping on him and knocking him over, it made you chuckle, but you still felt like crap,

You walked to your 'home' basically an apartment attached to the foundation building, you fell on the bed and burrito'd yourself with your fuzziest blankets,

Your alarm went off but you refused to get up the next day, you did eventually get up, but only to get some chips from your closet as you continued to be dragged down a spiral by your mind

Your friend came and checked on you, you talked to them but there was nothing they could do but give you a hug and go back to work,

That was when the breech alarm went off, you ignored that like you ignored your wake up alarm, at this point if an SCP came and killed you, you'd probably thank it, the only reason you hadn't killed yourself was because your friend would be sad, and they'd lost enough friends to the grim reaper already,

You heard a strange noise at your door but you ignored it and kept sleeping, but the noise got louder, it was like a scratching, you knew better than to open the door, but you didn't have a reason not to

You opened the door to see 682 staring at you with the blob of happiness on his snout, "he's making me apologize... Sorry" he growled before 999 slid off his nose and he stalked away,

999 crawled up your leg and a burst of happiness exploded in your chest as he crawled up and he nearly enveloped your body in a massive hug of goop

You stood there and closed the door as you laughed uncontrollably, you fell down laughing but he cusionerd your fall, his cute little blob face smiled at you as you saw the memories that haunted you in a new light,

"Thanks little buddy" you said between laughs as you pet his head and hugged him, he was the cutest thing you'd ever seen, you got some candy out of your drawer and gave it to him, he gurgled happily as he unwrapped it and gobbled it up,

You stayed like that for a while, but eventually they contained him and you were able to go back to work, you were able to get out of bed without forcing yourself, and your life was all around better,

Scp x reader (Basically Gonna Be Smut One Shots P.S. Maybe Some Fluff Too 😉)Where stories live. Discover now