SCP reasercher x Dr Iceberg (male vers.) (smut)

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[a/n a lil background, basically your body temp started gradually rising when you turned 18 until it reached around 83° Celsius, luckily you didn't get too hot until 85° Celsius, then you became an SCP, but you used the computer you had asked for to attend online college and earned several degrees in biology, engineering, and science, and after the foundation found a way to contain the amount of heat your body expelled to only about a five inch radius around you, you were hired as a reasercher, and doctor Iceberg is your superior I also got the name Julian from another fanfic]

*Your P.O.V.*

You were excited about your new job, even if all you did was help with paperwork and such, after the foundation contained you, you were nearly certain you would never get a job, and the foundation decided it best to place you with your polar opposite, polar being the key word, his code name was literally Iceberg,

You started today, you were a little self conscious from your outfit, you were just wearing shorts because much more and you would get way too hot, so you were allowed to break dress code, they sent a guard to escort you to where you would be working, the guard made the mistake of touching you though and nearly burned his hand, he stayed a while away from you the rest of the short trip,

You arrived In front of the door you had to go through, the guard held the door but was a bit awkward in trying to stay as far away from you as possible as you walked past and into the room, there was a connected door with a frostee window that said "iceberg" on it, "hey icy, new guys here," the guard called into the room

The door opened moments later and a man you assumed was Dr Iceberg stepped out, aren't I supposed to be the hot one here? You thought, giving him a quick once over, he was dressed like it was below zero in the room, supposedly for the same reason you were dressed like it was 110°F and you were in the sun in an Arizonan desert, "hello Dr.(l/n)" he said putting his hand out, "hey man don't touch him he's too hot he'll burn you" the guard behind you said,

Dr.Iceberg cleared his throat before saying "don't worry about it, you can go now" his voice laced with clear annoyance, "and don't call me 'Icy'," well isn't he a chill dude you thought, the guard shook his head and left, he still had his hand out so you shook it, he froze and adjusted his hold on your hand from a standard handshake grip to holding it as if it important evidence he has to analyze,

You scratched the back of your head with your free hand, "uh- I guess they didn't tell you much about me huh?" You said as he started running his hands along your arm, you normally would've complained at such prolonged contact, before the whole burning everyone who touched you thing you always hated being touched, but his ice cold hands felt heavenly on your burning hot skin, "clearly they left out some very important parts," he said, finally releasing your arm, you kinda wished he hadn't,

You stood awkwardly looking at each other for a while before you needed to break the silence, "so uh- care to show me what I'll be doing exactly?" You asked, tilting your head slightly, "oh, yeah," he said blinking a few times, before showing you what you would be doing, he seemed to take every chance he could get to touch you,

As you continued to work with him he spent as much time around you as possible, and he was constantly touching you, and when you spend that much time within arms reach of someone, you eventually get to know them, and once you became friends you became much more touchy with each other,


You came in to work and like usual you greeted Iceberg with a hug, and continued your day, both your shifts were almost over when he decided to strike up a conversation, "hey, (y/n) do you want to come to my house? I already got 05 approval" he said, "yeah, sure, it's been a while since I've left the foundation" you replied,

Scp x reader (Basically Gonna Be Smut One Shots P.S. Maybe Some Fluff Too 😉)Where stories live. Discover now