BONUS CHAPTER (049 x male plague doctor: security checks the cameras)

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(a/n: This one was fun thanks for the idea Kenzie_simp XD, also #### is your number, you can fill in the blanks with whatever number you want >30)

   MTF commander:
We had re-contained all the scps, but we still had to check the cameras to see if any of the missing staff were still alive, we knew we were going to witness atrocities but we did not expect what we got,
I had the security guard bring up the footage of the breach, it was rather short only an hour or two long, it was caused when an intern pissed 682 off a little too much,

As we went through the footage we saw the typical traumatizing gore that at this point no one even bat an eye at,

Jameson was eating chips with his boots propped up on the desk, Daniels was about to fall asleep, and Johnson had ditched us, the rest of our team were in medical

When we got to the test chambers in the heavy containment zone that was when we needed eye bleach

We turned the cameras in the room to the minutes before the start of the breach, it was a test between SCP-#### and SCP-049

We watched in shock as #### pulled off their mask and convinced 049 to follow suit, #### moved to kneel in front of 049, it's hands on 049s knees,

#### slowly leaned in to kiss 049, I glanced around uncomfortable, Daniels looked like he wanted to puke and Jameson had leaned in towards the monitor furiously eating a new bag of chips,

I took a deep breath and looked back to the monitor to see #### on 049s lap, #### ground down on 049 making it moan quietly out of surprise,

#### didn't have much time to keep it up though as 049 picked it up and put it on the table standing between its legs and undressing the both of them, any evidence of 049's previous hesitancy gone,

I watched with disgust but my eyes were glued to the monitor as 049 started to suck #### off, I could hear Daniels puking in the hall and Jameson's obnoxious crunching as he ate his chips with a fervor that would impress anyone

It pulled 049 off of it to kiss it as it took 049's pants off of it, I saw Jameson smirking as #### wrapped it's legs around 049 and 049 pushed it into a laying position to finger fuck it making it moan quietly,

Daniels came back in and immediately left to puke again as 049 slowly started fucking the other anomaly beneath it, drawing out curses and loud gasping moans, this time Daniels knew to stay away and went to go get a drink,
#### came all over it's torso with a broken cry, before 049 pulled out and jerked off, cumming over ####'s chest, before they cleaned up and got dressed sitting back down like they hadn't just fucked,

"We have to tell the researchers about this" I said dreading it already, "I have to tell the fandom this" Jameson said grinning, I shook my head and sighed, before continuing through the cameras, Daniels finally came back and we finished watching all the footage we found out all the missing staff had been killed,
I heaved a sigh at the thought of telling the researchers about what we found with the two anomalies, but it was my duty to inform them, Jameson was trailing behind me,

He said it was because he was my second in command but I know better, he just wants to see their reactions,

I knocked on their office door, getting a kurt "enter" in reply, Doctors ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ and ⬛⬛⬛⬛ were there waiting, we had called them together to tell them,

I pulled out a flash drive that had the video on it and handed it to Dr.⬛⬛⬛⬛, she watched me suspiciously and put it into her laptop, before she clicked on the file I stopped her, "I don't think you wanna listen to it, at least not without headphones" I said

She furrowed her eyebrows and "I would ask why but I suppose we're going to find out anyway…" she said, pulling out her airpods and connecting them, handing one to Dr.⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ who struggled a moment before he got it in his ear properly,

She opened the file and they started watching it, they shifted uncomfortably, Dr.⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ had a disgusted expression but Dr.⬛⬛⬛⬛ bit her lip, halfway through she shut her laptop,

"I think we've seen enough, you can go, we'll keep this for more thorough review later… and before you get back to work tell the interns to inform the scps together of the functionality of our cameras during the last breach" she said as she ushered us out the door,
We headed to the heavy containment as Jameson yapped on about how his shipers would react

"I can't believe y'all were shipping two anomalies that hadn't met" I said disappointed,

"Well now they've met and within what...? Five/ten minutes they were already fucking? Obviously it was a good decision" he said smirking,

He was right in my space he had leaned over to make his argument and I could smell his cologne, I blushed under my visor and pushed his face back in a most undignified manner for him

"Aye?! What was that for?!" He yelled, "you were in my face? What did you want me to do? kiss you?" I snapped back, he sputtered for a minute before crossing his arms and pouting like a toddler,

We finally made it to 049's observation room, he was laying in his bed daydreaming, the interns, [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] were watching him closely, we snuck up behind them,

"BOO!" we yelled, making them jump as we laughed, high fiving, "do you need something?!" One of them asked clearly pissed, "yeah we need you to get him and #### together and tell them about the cameras so they won't fuck in the test room again" I said,

"That's not funny" one of them said as they got back to work, "not joking" I stated plainly, "check the footage, I will warn you you'll probably need bleach after though" I shudder, they hesitantly agree to bring the anomalies together,

We went with them to escort #### to 049's containment chamber, they went willingly and silently, visibly happier when 049 came into view as we passed through the observation room,

We hung back as the interns sat #### in the room before leaving quickly and moving to speak through the mic,

"Do.... either of you know what a camera is...?" One of the interns asked awkwardly, #### froze "... Shit, I thought the cameras went out when there are breaches...." It said shifting uncomfortably in its seat,

"Excuse me but could someone explain what this 'camera' is?" 049 asked, #### turned towards him, and pulled a phone out, pulling up the camera function and showing him how it worked, he froze wide eyes too, realizing why they were asking,

"I- I apologize for your having to witness that... It won't happen again..."
049 managed to say, then #### whispered something to him that made his pupils dilate,

"if that's all you wanted I was in the middle of a great dream and would like to get back to it" it said, getting up and approaching the door, it was escorted back, and every breach after they were re-contained cuddling in a closet, sometimes with evidence of their intimacy left behind...

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