"they break me"

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Before u read know this poem is old and I found it in my notes. Its probably my deepest most depressing one and no one should worry cuz its old for the most part. Ok here it is....

Breaking can't describe in any way

How they make me feel

They make me wanna suffer

And take the emotional pain away

They crush my soul

And look down on me

Making me question all the things I thought I loved

All the things I thought meant love

All the people I thought loved

I used to be better

Thats what I think

Thats what my closest loves say

Then they changed


they changed me

They broke me

They hurt me

They crushed me

They killed me

I might as well be dead

Theyd treat me better if I was

They kill me anyway

Knowing what theyre doing

Knowing what I do behind closed doors

Knowing I break down because of them in ways no one else can break me

With actual crying

Not just the tears

They break me

And im afraid they wont stop

I wanna get away

But I cant

Id be leaving behind too much

Id be too scared

So I stay and

Let them

Break me

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