idk what to call it..."Someone" i guess thats a good enough title lol

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The worst feeling
isn't when you lose someone the first time
it's when you dream that you never lost them in the first place
and you wake up peaceful happy and in bliss
only to have reality slap you hard across the face
reminding you
that yes you lost them
but your dreams wont care
They will make sure that you lose them
Over and over again
They will make sure that u feel just as crushed as before
And in even more despair
Because dreams are wishes that your heart makes
And a wish wouldn't be a wish
If you had it in the first place
And while the dream may make you happy
While it may bring a piece of you back
The minute you open up your eyes
Everything is snatched away from you again
Like the world is saying
"You can never be happy again"
Like the world wants you to always feel the pain of loosing that someone
And there isn't anything you can do about it
But wait
Wait until the day that loosing that someone wasn't only a curse
But a blessing in a way
Wait for the day that you don't wake up from your dream wishing you had endless sleep
But realizing everything happens for a reason
And that day will come when the right person walks into your life
It wouldn't matter if they were there the whole time
Wishing to end your misery
It would just matter that finally
You two meet
And finally that new someone is enough to make the pain of losing the first one bearable
They will bring the joy back into your life
The twinkle back into your eyes
The smile back onto your face
And love back into your broken shattered heart
They will make you whole again
And just as they make you feel
You'd make them feel exactly the same
Two broken halves that make one imperfectly perfect whole

Ya well I wrote this in very little time....that never ceases to surprise I can just have a small phrase pop into my head and not five minutes later I have a full poem typed up in front of me
Anyways I dedicate this to the lovely incredible beautiful talented marienggles because she is an amazeballs author! You should go check out her story guilty of bliss if you like romance stories, this poem is actually sorta about the two main characters in a way
Oh btw i tried this sound thing so i guess there should be a song somewhere called "Skinny Love" by birdy
Ya well I'm gonna stop talking now before it becomes nonsense so comment vote and follow me if you aren't, oh and do me a big favor and get me more readers if y'all can please
Love you all,
hungergames_always AKA Annabelle✌✌❤❤❤❤

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