"I am" poem and selfie project for english 1 honors class -_-

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I am me
The person who cant always describe herself
The person who's full of doubt's and insecurities
I'm the girl who's quiet,shy even
The girl you'd never expect to have sass and be loud
The girl who is full of surprises even unknown to herself

I am that girl
The girl who obesses over fandom's and fictional characters
The girl who does all she can to escape her own reality
The person who sees every little thing that surrounds her
The person who does all she can to capture every little moment
Because shes observant and suspicious, careful yet careless & always sentimental

That girl who may seem like an outcast
That girl who is always quiet...
Isn't really like this...she is in a new environment
Almost everything and everyone are new to her
So don't blame her when anxiety takes over and her voice shakes
When she doesn't want to talk to everyone at once all the time
Cuz that is just who that girl is

She doesn't like when people try too hard to be what they're not
She despises people who do things just for the attention
People who are ignorant and arrogant
Those who stereotype and then try to fit themselves into their own stereotypes
If you're anything but you she won't even waste her time

Her hobbies include singing,dancing,writing,arguing,eating,cooking,sleeping and being with friends
She may not be very good at all of them
Or at least she thinks she's bad at them
But its what her heart desires
And after all her heart's been put through the least she could do is follow it

This person you see smiles
She's forced so many that a fake smile and a real one seem the same
You may never have guessed that she's been through a lot
But that's exactly what she wants
Not pity or sympathy but to be treated like everyone else
To be treated good and be brought up "cuz" all she does is bring herself down

I am her
I am me and no one can change that
Why always act like something else when I can simply be the real me
The person I truly am is that girl
I am Annabelle
And I intend to stay this way but with way less flaws for the many years of my life to come
That is who I am
And that is who I will always be

So I had to write this(it actually took me very little time and its not edited;most of my things arent )and present it to my class along with a selfie of me -__- of course my hair is wayyyy shorter now but who cares lol also I wish I could've written so much more but I didn't wanna depress my class so I completely forced myself to hold back :/
Any who I had to present it with an extremely sore throat and after my ugghhh teacher didn't let me drink water to help my throat. I hope she goes through the same thing XD
But ya vote comment follow
Love the very few supporters I have lol
~hungergames_always AKA Annabelle ✌✌❤❤❤

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