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So I was wondering if I should continue this....I know I do this every once in a while but its only cuz I'm insecure....I mean come on I have like one constant reader/voter/commenter (u know who u r my favorite chicken whisperer XD). Any who I guess I just want more support. I'm not gonna say I work really hard on this...cuz I don't the poems/songs literally just come to me. But I do like expressing myself which I can't do if there's no one to express to. I know I seem desperate or annoying or whatever you wanna call me but I don't care. I just want more supporters.

On a better note I'm taking suggestions again about poem topics. Comment or message them to me and I'll dedicate the poem of your topic to you, vote on a work of yours and maybe follow you(yes maybe it depends on how good the poem comes out to be lol) Any who I have things to do and places to be...HAHAHAHAHA I'm funny no I don't I'm just lazy.

But ya bye lovely amazing people

Love, hungergames_always AKA Annabelle❤❤✌✌

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