"Not Enough"

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Ok so I'd like to start by saying this is kinda just a tad bit depressing but nothing compared to my other depressing poems so its all good
Anywhooooooo the poem:

People think low of me
Because I think low of of myself
No one understands that in my eyes I have every reason to do so
Every possible reason in the world to think that I will truely never be enough
Not in my eyes,not in anyone's eyes
It hurts when people think I can just change how I feel with a switch of a button
When I can't
I've gotten better but even my being better still isn't enough
It never will be
And even when I get so so close to being at my best
To thinking that maybe I'm worth it,
or good for something,
Or beautiful
It still isn't enough,never will be
Because what people want is for me to be completely confident in myself
But when I get just an inch away from being at least happy with me
Something happens
Someone makes me doubt every good thing I ever thought
Someone who I myself thought was amazing didn't think the same of me
And that's ok cuz if I never thought I was amazing then how could they
So now I understand that if I want others to think high of me I must first think highly of myself
Problem is I don't think I'll ever get there
I'll never truely love myself as I should
Its almost impossible
So that leads to the idea "if I can't love me how do I expect anyone else to love me"
The answer is simple now...
I don't
I don't think anyone will look at me, a simple broken and seemingly unfixable toy
And think that they care enough to wanna fix me
I don't think that anyone,if given the option to choose who they'd spend their last minutes on earth with,would choose me
But I completely understand,even I wouldn't choose me
Because I have never been enough,I'm not enough,and I won't ever be enough
At least not for a very very long time
And time itself is an endless thing
So not being enough will never just disappear entirely because like time its endless

There's probably lots of typos I kinda tried to type it as fast as the words popped up but couldn't quite catch up
Dedicated to the absolutely incredible beautiful and perfect fay FayMheisen we're new friends to each other but tbh ily lol
Anyways um vote comment follow and suggest this to others
Love each and every single one of u❤❤❤
~hungergames_always AKA Annabelle :)

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