untitled maybe "the whole day"

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Have you ever smiled so much
And so hard that your cheeks ached with pain
Yet you still couldnt bring yourself to stop smiling
Ya,me neither....well not until now
I dont know if i cant stop smiling because im genuinely happy,
Or because i cant bring myself to erase the most real smile ive had in a while
After thinking,i realize that i dont know what genuine happiness is...and maybe thats my problem
Its not knowing that you are in fact my happiness
The reason ive gone the whole day smiling
The whole day with my heart skipping beats at just the thought of you
The whole day of daydreaming cuz my mind wouldn't let me think of anything but you
And whether thats a problem or not
I cant tell yet
But im hoping with all i have that its not
That this happiness will stay in my life for a long time
That you will stay in my life for a long time

Hey so its been quite a while...
Ive been very very busy with school
But ya heres this poem i dont necessarilly like it but idk cuz ive been happier in these past few days than i have been in a very very very long time so ya
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Love hungergames_always AKA Annabelle❤❤❤

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