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The class grew silent as the human arts teacher, Mrs Grey entered the class. She is known to be strict or should I say acting strict when it comes to students and with her glasses tilted down her nose bridge.

But that one aside something else caught my attention, standing beside her was a new guy; tall, muscular and if I must say kinda cute. Mrs Grey's voice brought me back to reality,

"Class, this is William Carrier, he recently moved to Miami alongside his family. He is from a very well to do family and held at high esteem and he joined our prestigious college; Campbell High School, and I anticipate you treat him well"

Wait, why the hell will Mrs Grey speak to us about his family's status.

"Yes Mrs Grey", echoed the whole class.

"Good, Mr Carrier why don't you take a seat beside there"

All the while I have been busy with my phone and I heard the girls around me giggling only to raise my head and discover the reason of their giggle


Well, before I could understand what was happening, the newbie was already seated beside me.

I decided to give him the attitude by pretending I didn't hear him whenever he spoke to me and deliberately facing the other side that is opposite him all through the while the class lasted.

That was hard and painful because the class lasted for an hour and twenty minutes and by then my neck was aching and I was mad at the same time cause my neck had to suffer because of the newbie.

We all stood as Mrs Grey left the class, God I was so thankful atleast her boring lectures had come to an end, for today. I never wanted to offer human arts but mom said it was necessary as I needed to blend well with the public as I had issue with talking to outside people and was much of an introvert...

"Hey, Rina how was the lecture" that was amberle. She came over to Miami from Paris and we both started at Campbell High School and so far so good since she came here. But Amberle would put up a behavior that came from the moon sometimes and no matter what she qstill the best.

"How was it with Mrs Grey"she asked

"Boring and tiring as always"was my reply

"Thank God I don't offer it" she said flipping her hair. Her hair was considered long but next to mine it paled into oblivion.

"We have a new student, have you... I asked

"Seen him"she completed my question

"Yes, he is heading towards our next class"she replied

OMG, I will be having another lecture with him. I don't know why but I feel tense around him.

But I still had to go for my lessons anyways, William nwot withstanding.

After a series of tiring lessons it was time for recess. I was just leaving the class with Amberle when I felt a gentle tug and I turned to see who it was only to turn and meet the pair of cutest eyes I have ever seen.

"Do you wear contacts"I asked out of admiration.

I soon regretted saying that when I discovered it was William, uuhh I sighed, the newbie

"What do you want"I asked trying to sound as rude as I Can

"Do you mind showing me the way to the cafeteria? Came the gentle and soft voice of William

"Um, no"that was me

"I am busy right now, so I can't but why don't you ask Sofia to show you the way" l said gesturing to the red haired who has been trying unsuccessfully to get his attention

I did not wait to hear what he had to say as I pulled Amberle along and walked briskly out of the classroom

"What happened back there "Amber asked turning the whole thing in her head

"I don't know but I think he was into me"came my quick reply.

"Amber I will meet you at the cafe, I really need to make use of the restroom "l said to her

"Okay" she said as she started moving towards the cafeteria

I rushed into the restroom and moved towards the water dispenser and splashed water on my face

"What is wrong with me? Why do I seem to dislike him so much and this is the first time I am meeting him.

"I just hope it's not what I am thinking"

I cleaned myself and started heading for the cafe to meet Amber

As I entered the cafe the first thing my eyes saw was that William was seating at a table with about half a dozen girls surrounding him. At that moment I saw his eyes move to my direction and that was it William was staring at me. I felt uncomfortable

I moved to Amber's table

"Amber are you done cause I want leave"l said with a tinge of nervousness in my voice and I turned to leave

"Easy girl, what's with the rush? Let me grab my bugger" she said trailing after me

Typical Amber, she loves food.

We were halfway into the garage when suddenly we heard a voice and a hand swooped Amber from behind.

I turned to find Jason hugging Amber tightly. Jason was Amber's crush ,I am so happy for them.

"Hi Katherine"

"Hi Jason"

"Amber I will be waiting in the car"l said moving towards our car, a BMW, to give them privacy.

After like twenty minutes Amber entered the car holding a parcel and was smiling sheepishly.

I started the car and we drove home. Mom and dad weren't around and would be back during the weekend according to the note the left us.

I dropped the note in the table and went up to my room, I entered the shower and had a long bath.

I ate dinner in my room and soon after gave into the warm embrace of sleep with the thought that I will be meeting William tomorrow at school

SECRETS OF MALESDONIA(Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now