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Wow, almost 100 views. Aww that's nice. It means a lot to me. I want to use this opportunity to appreciate everybody reading this story. Thank you so much my lovely readers.

"The Henites are making a revolt, what does that mean" I asked my grandma

" It means alot of things. First, it means that the Henites who were able to escape are trying to release the rest of those still locked up in there. It also mean that there's trouble and we need to act fast and quick cause if we don't, well, the consequences and disasters are better imagined than experienced. I think we need to do something about getting you girls to the cave again for you to understand all of these I am saying. We have to visit the cave again and that should be very soon. We need to be a step ahead of the Henites and very importantly we need to be ready before they make any move. I hope you understand"she asked us

" Yes, we do"we all chorused

" Good, then let's get back to training" she grinned and got back to teaching us what we needed to know

That night, Amber came to my room and was looking so worried.

"Amber, what is it? You look so pale. Are you sick? I asked her all these at once

"Come, sit here while I go get you a glass of water" I made to leave but she held my hand

" Rina, I don't need a glass of water. That's not my problem. It's not the reason I am here" she tried to explain still looking sober

" Rina, I'll be back in a jiffy. Just give me a minute" I was reluctant

I came back soon after with a glass of water and gave it to her

"Thanks" she collected the water from me, but she didn't drink it rather she sighed looking distressed

"Amber what's this. You are getting me worried. You know I don't like seeing you like this" I sounded worried. Even after discovering that she and I were not sisters, that we were not related in any way, I still care deeply for her.

"No, don't get it the wrong way. It's just that I've into serious thinking"she said

" Thinking. About what exactly"I asked her.

" You see Rina, everything is happening so fast. I don't want this, I mean all this key and locking up the Henites issue, I don't want it. I just want to live a normal life, be a normal person. I just want to be normal; finish at Campbell, go to college, get a job, get married and have lovely kids. I don't want any of this"she said raising her voice

" Sshh, do you you want grandma to hear you. Keep it down" I hushed her

"No, don't tell me that. Okay Rina, I have a question for you. Have you thought of what will happen after all this. Like, after this is over, what next, huh. Will we be able to mix with the public again. Will people like to have anything to do with us. I know that  everything that'll happen in the cave will be made known to the World. Will we be able to show our faces in public again after people must have discovered we are the key to some stupid cave. I am asking you Rina, answer me"she said sobbing

To be honest I have thought of that, after this what next, but I tried to push the thought aside,but right now Amber's question made me really think about it and that thought alone weakened me. But I can't be weak at this moment. Amber needs my support right now and not something that would aggravate the whole thing.

I pulled her to myself and made her comfort herself on my back while I stroke her back

"I just want to live a normal life" she said amidst sobs

"It's okay Amber. Everything is going to be fine"I consoled her

That night, Amber slept in my room, but I couldn't sleep a wink. I was thinking about what Amber said, I think her question really made Sense. After series of thinking, I fell asleep in the early hours of the morning.


In the morning, Amber showered in my room and I gave my clothes which she put on and we went downstairs. On the way down, Amber brought up an issue

"I strongly believe that having any connection to that cave is a curse"she cursed within herself

" Why do you say that"I asked looking confused

"I don't think Mrs Grey is happy about all these. I mean look how this key and stuff made her life so miserable. She isn't married, she gets insults constantly from students of which you can bear witness to. I repeat, it is a curse. You are the only one who seems happy about all this"she said firmly

" Amber, how did you know she isn't happy about it" I asked ignoring her last statement

"I heard her saying...

" Good morning everyone"dad greeted

Oh no, he interrupted her, preventing me from knowing what she had to say. That can wait, I can always ask her.

"Good morning, where is grandma? She said we will be visiting the cave today"I asked dad

" She'll be back soon"that was all he said

Moments later she was back and we were off to the cave.

This time around, we entered the second division, it looked almost like the first division except for some doors I knew led would lead to secret rooms. We were now entering a bigger room where I thought I saw something move.

"Amber, did you see that" I asked visibly scared

" I think I did. Let's ask grandma"she advised

I moved faster to catch up with grandma to ask her and thereby entering the room fully when I heard her ask

"Who's there" she asked

She saw it too. I got scared the more when I saw a body shift and it was a human being, a man. He was holding something that seemed to be glowing purple, very illuminating. I didn't see his face yet but got a clearer picture when he turned and the light hut his face.

Wait, this face looks familiar. I know this face. That was when it hit me.


I want to say a very big thank you again to my lovely readers and so sorry if update was late. Don't forget to please vote and comment❤️😁. I like reading the comments and knowing what you think of the story. Thanks🧡🧡

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