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"Lydia is my grandma, how come? I asked no one in particular.

"I know you must be surprised, but that is the truth "dad looked serious

"Okay, how? I asked him

"When I found out your parents were killed by the Henites, I took on to another form. That way, it was difficult for them to discover my real identity and that also made it possible for me to keep a close eye on you and protect you. When I saw that the Duboir's took you in, I contacted with them and came here to be with you"she explained

"I have just one question. You were the voice that kept speaking to me in my dreams, right"I questioned her

"Yes, I was the one. You see, they were reluctant on telling you what you needed to know. When I say they, I mean the both of them"she said pointing at mom and dad

"So, I had to do what I had to do by coming to you in your dreams and telling you to seek answers. It was difficult to do that, coming to you in your dreams, because you are one of the most powerful key."she concluded

With that she started teaching us or should I say talking cause that was what she did through out the while we gathered around her.

"Katherine, go get that pendant with the symbol on it"my grandma commanded

I went up to my room to get the pendant and handed it over to her

"There is something I'll like to tell you girls. In this battle, I will like you girls to concentrate "she noticed the confused looks on our faces

"You will be battling with the Henites in the Malesdonia cave to defeat them and lock them up for good. So, like I said, I would want you girls to concentrate cause there, you will see both those you love and and those you hate. It will be a matter of betrayal because for you to lock them up, you would have to betray them. Therefore, you should make the right decisions. I told you this, so you can prepare your minds for what lies ahead"with that she stood and was about taking her leave when she said

"Tomorrow we will be visiting the cave"she turned and took her leave

I had mixed feelings. I was happy I will finally be going to the cave but sad at the same time about what she said, that we will be battling with both those we love and those we hate. But I wasn't concerned about the hate but was more concerned in the part of those I love. I think that should wait till that day but I was sure of one thing, I wasn't going to, not for any reason at all, disappoint all those counting on me to put an end to all of this.

The next day we will go to school because for some reasons, Mrs Johnson brought the excursion to an end saying everyone should come back. After school, we are headed for the cave.


The next day, Mrs Grey, I mean Ereteria went before Amber and I so as not to raise any suspicions. School that day went normal except for the fact that I was behaving paranoid. Whenever I see someone strange approaching me or walking behind me, I would be on alert in case anything starts happening.

I felt as if everyone was a Henite, dangerous people who wants to take my life Just like they took my parents'.

After school that day, we were off to the Malesdonia cave.

As we entered the cave, she brought out four torchlights and gave each of us one. She also gave us three pair of gloves and we wore it. Occasionally, as we entered deep into the cave, I ran my hand through the cave wall. Icicles made of stone were hanging from the top of the cave and boulders were a common sight. This cave was a great artifact.

As we went farther into the cave, we met a very big gorge. My grandma stood there at a spot, she seemed to be calculating something. She went to a spot on the wall, she bent and picked three cave stones and inserted them into three different spaces on the wall and then she pushed one of them inside. A few minutes later, we heard a very loud noise that seemed as though something was crumbling and we turned to see rocks forming across the gorge

"Girls, you need to walk where I walk and be careful not to fall in. This rocks are really steep"my grandma warned

"Yes ma'am"we chorused

My grandma,Amber and Ereteria successfully crossed, but as I was about to jump over a rock, I missed my step and fell into the gorge

"Rina,noooo" Amber screamed my name

"It's okay,we will get her. We just have to go across"my grandma said to her

Really,I wouldn't have expected to still be alive but when I fell, I landed on solid ground. Wait, this isn't even a gorge. Though it looked like one but it was not. It appears to be covered with glass. But this wasn't glass because glass would have shattered into a million and one pieces when I landed on it. I got up and started walking out of the supposed gorge, looking for a way to reconnect with the others. As I moved on I came to a fork in the cave. It was kind of a junction only it was seven division. I got confused. Which do I go through and how do I know the exact one others passed through that's if actually they've passed here.

"Rina"I heard someone scream my name

I turned around to know who it was to meet Amber's body pressing mine in a tight hug.

"I thought I lost you. I thought you were dead. Thank God you are safe"Amber said all these at once

I just patted her back

"How did you escape the gorge without any injury to think it was a very big gorge"my grandma asked me

"It wasn't really a gorge because when I fell I landed on something that seems to be glass"I answered

"That's strange. That notwithstanding, let's go"she said with authority

We entered the fifth division and throughout the walk,Amber was holding me tight for fear I might fall again. We got to a huge door firmly barred. It must probably be connected to another room. My grandma touched a gargoyle standing on the ground and the cave shook, the carved gargoyle was swallowed by the ground and the door opened to reveal a room that looks like a sanctuary and at the end of the room on the wall was something that seemed to be like a sealed portal. Back to the swallowed gargoyle, in its place stood a Ruby coloured Stone. We all marvelled at the sight. It was wonderful.

"This is it. This Stone here can only be wielded by the three most powerful keys when united and that is you three. You see, when you three unite, one of you will wield this Stone here and because you three are united,all your powers are brought together, that sealed portal in  there will be opened"she said pointing at the sealed portal in the room.

"And by that time, your powers will supersede every other person's own and with the force and power coming from the portal, the Henites will be fixed to return to their home and whoever that wields it will close the portal immediately the stone turns purple"she explained

"Those this mean that the Henites will be here when we are to do this"Ereteria queried

"No, they must not. Because they belong in there, wherever they are at time, they will surely enter there"she said still pointing at the sealed portal

"One more thing. Whoever wields the stone would have to destroy it the moment it turns purple because further delay after the Henites are in there already, will make the stone turn black which means that its powers has vanished and the Henites will be free forever. No locking up. You will know and understand better after we return a few more times. But now, we have to go. Okay"she concluded

"Yes ma'am"we responded

After our visit to the cave, we started rigorous practice using our powers when united. We were finally getting the heck of this when we got disturbing news that had to cut our practice short.

The Henites were planning a revolt.

SECRETS OF MALESDONIA(Short Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن