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"Katherine, it's high time you knew the truth"the voice said to me

"Who is there and what truth"I asked with fear in my voice

'The truth to the question you keep asking yourself "the voice said as it slowly fades away

OMG, it was a dream

I woke up and was feeling  sweaty. It felt so real. I looked at my wall clock and it was 2am in the  morning.

I went out of my room and went straight to Amber's room

I knocked at the the door waiting for a reply cause I knew Amber won't be sleeping at that time but I didn't get any,  so I just went in

Surprisingly, Amber was sleeping, I was about to turn around when my eyes caught something on the wall.

"Amber has been into drawing, since when "I asked no one in particular. But on a closer look, something about  the drawing looked familiar, but I couldn't remember where I've seen it before and...

"Rina what are you doing in my room"Amber asked me while rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand

"I came to see you, we need to talk"I said sounding serious

"Okay, even I have something to say to you"she said sitting on her bed

"Amber, this last few days has really been strange for me. I hear voices speaking to me in my sleep saying that I needed to the truth and the sounds exactly like Lydia's, you know I didn't tell you how my day with Cherry went. Well, it was horrible cause she saw the mark at my shoulder, screamed and just left the mall, leaving me standing there surprised "I tried to explain

"You must have felt bad"she tried to console me

"Yeah, but I've felt worse. Mom and dad aren't making matters easier,they is something they are hiding from us cause I've heard them on several cases arguing on the issue whether or not to tell me something and just this night I heard the same voice telling me that it was high time I knew the truth. I'm really scared and just yesterday I found out that part of the mark on my shoulder is on that pendant mom said was given to me by grandma. I don't know what to do"I said

" It's okay,but that has been the case with me. I hear voices speaking to me,I see things in my dream, that was where I got the picture of that drawing you were looking at earlier on and the worst of it all is that the mark keeps getting bigger. So, that's just it"

Just then, her alarm sounded signifying it was time for school.

"I think I'd take my leave"I said standing up

"Okay, I'll meet you later”she said standing up as well


At school today,our principal,Mrs Johnson, had assembled all the students of my grade for an important announcement.

"Good morning students"she greeted

"Good morning, Mrs Johnson"we said in unison

"You all will be going on a two weeks excursion to some part of Oceania, malesdonia where you will be given some leadership training. Go to the AD block for proper inquiries and date of departure "that was it. Mrs  Johnson was gone as quickly as she came

I was happy that finally I would be visiting the same place mom and dad forbade me going to.

Our teachers who would be going with us said that we should all choose our partners. I quickly chose Amber.

"It is going to be a male to female pairing that is a girl and boy would be paired together"Mrs Santos said

Oh no

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