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I froze at the spot. What was he doing here. And why is he holding that jewel with it glowing so bright.

"Look who's here, huh, the princess of all keys who didn't know she was one until recently"he said mockingly

Was he referring to me, I asked myself.

"What are you doing here" my grandma asked him

"Get out, this place is not a playing ground" my grandma scolded

" I guess it is too late to go back" he said with a smirk and turned around focusing his attention on a sealed portal in the room and that was when I saw a rough looking mark on his back. William was a Henite and he was doing something strange because when he turned his back at us and focused on the portal, the purple light grew stronger and it was illuminating the whole room making the sealed portal start to break off and a small white light was coming from the portal.

We just stood there staring at him like hypnotized idiots, my grandma was the first to speak

"He is trying to free the others. Katherine, quick get the pendant, you girls should unite, get a Ruby from the bag, Katherine you will wield it like we earlier discussed. We need to stop him from freeing the others"my grandma said

At that instance,  I felt weak, it was as if the power was being drained from my body. I fell to the ground, my eyes felt so heavy. All I was hearing them was William's laughter that sounded more like an evil laughter and my grandma's voice saying, he was draining my strengths.


I opened my eyes to behold Amber's worry-filled eyes. I tried to sit up but discovered I was not lying on the hard floor of cave but I was lying on  something soft. I was in bed and in my room. How did I get here.  A knock on my door drew my out of my thoughts.

Grandma and Ereteria came in

"I hope you are feeling better now" grandma asked me

"I think so" I replied weakly

"Don't worry, you'll be alright"Ereteria spoke this time

" Okay, thanks. What about William, where you guys able to stop him" I asked no one in particular

" No, we could not stop him because  you were weak and the others could not do anything because a part of them was weak and...

"Can he still be stopped, I mean is there hope of stopping him" I interrupted her not minding what she had to say

" Yes, we can, he started from the seventh division down to the second division, but he hasn't gotten to the first   division so we can still stop him. Katherine, like you know you are to wield the stone"She said so many and concluded everything saying

"With all these I believe you girls are ready. You should go practice more if you wish"with that she went downstairs

Amber stayed in my room and we discussed about both relevant and irrelevant things and she still slept in my room that night. Recently, Amber has been acting paranoid, fearing that something bad might happen to either of us.


"Katherine, you have to do it now, destroy the stone before it is too late"my grandma screamed at me

I was seriously confused on what to do, Amber was crying begging me not to close the portal because Jason was gonna be locked up forever. He was a Henite. On my part, I was double-minded because Cherry, my best friend, was one of them. Right now, I understood what my grandma meant by those we love. I couldn't pull myself together. Those who meant so much to me, those that were part of my life, were all Henites. No way this was too much for me to handle. At that moment I just wanted to forget everything concerning this cave. Amber was right, this cave is cursed. It was taking everything from me. Now I have answer to Amber's question, after all these, I don't think my life will remain the same ever again.

"Rina don't do this, I love Jason,please don't" Amber begged me while crying her eyes out

It was really chaotic inside the cave and at long last,  I made a firm decision that I surely regret later, which will make me lose my best friend and Amber cause I knew Amber will hate me for the rest of her life if I did this.

I dropped the already turning black stone, hard on the cave floor and everywhere shook violently making a very loud noise and I felt a surge of power pass through me. After some time, the cave became very dark and quiet, all that was heard was Amber's sobs. I looked at the portal and it was sealed very tight, I turned to look at Amber, she was kneeling on the floor with her hands covering her face crying.

"Amber, I am so sorry but it had to be that way. It's best for us that way"I said calmly like none of this affected me, but it did, a lot

"Amber, I just...

" How could you, how could you do that" she questioned

"No, you don't have to...

" Don't say anything. I hate you Rina, all this while I thought you cared for me but I was wrong"she said that moving away from me and out of the cave

I was right, Amber hates me now

"You did great, you made the right decision, Amber will come around just give her some time" my grandma said patting my shoulders. She doesn't understand what this decision cost me.

The Henites were gone for good and I really hope my life would be back to normal.

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