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Hello everyone. 

Welcome to "The Moon and His Night".

This story is about Leo Malfoy, the son of Rose and Draco Malfoy from "The World and Her Stars". This story will be about Leo and his love interest, Camille Kennedy. This story will also include many second generation characters/the kids from TWAHS. 

But this story is all about Leo and Camille. And I'm so excited for you to read it. 

All main characters are in their 7th year, and are 18 years of age, unless specifically stated otherwise. 

Characters and ideas involving the original Harry Potter world belong to JKR. Characters Leo Malfoy, Camille Kennedy, Dean Beckham, Leo Riley, Rose Malfoy, Nora Malfoy, etc. belong to me. 


- Childhood neglect 

- Mentions of SA/attempted SA

- Men that might remind you of your toxic ex-boyfriend or a douche bag you possibly went to school with at some point in your life

- Mentions/depictions  of panic or anxiety attacks, OCD, and negative self talk. 

(The fic is unfinished so I will be updating the TW list if needed. If you feel I missed anything, please feel free to message me privately or leave a comment and I will add to the list ASAP. I don't want anyone to be made uncomfortable in any way <3)

I hope you enjoy! Love you all. 



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