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Camille POV

I woke up with the sun after barely sleeping all night. 

I'd definitely be regretting that when it came time for my exam later today, but the adrenaline and anticipation made me too restless to sleep more than an hour at a time. I had so much to say and express. So many thoughts were running through my head, so as soon as I saw the sun break the horizon, I was up and jumping into the shower.

I was buzzing. My mind was racing with thoughts, both good and bad, but surprisingly–mostly good ones. Scenarios played out in my head about how the upcoming conversation would go, and most of the time, I found myself daydreaming and smiling off into space like an idiot. Despite all odds, I was genuinely feeling optimistic. A feeling I rarely ever got to experience. 

I snapped myself out of my daze for the 10th time already and wrapped up my shower after using some of the fancy vanilla smelling body wash I'd been using for as long as I could remember. That was one thing my mother instilled in me at a young age that actually turned out to be beneficial. Having a signature scent.

I dried off quickly, lathered myself head to toe in body lotion, threw on my uniform, used a spell and a potion to smooth and tame my hair, and sprayed perfume in all the areas that Mona told me were the most important places to spray it. Wrists, collarbones, between the boobs, back of the knees, over my pulse, hip bones, and behind the ears.

My stomach has been filled with butterflies and those newly discovered fireworks since the moment my eyes opened, and there was a subtle jitter to my limbs that I couldn't get rid of. It was definitely due to adrenaline. It was like I couldn't move fast enough. I was so filled with anticipation that the half hour it took me to get ready felt like well over an hour.

I just wanted to talk to him. I wanted to put these racing thoughts and emotions into words for him. I wanted to get these things off my chest.

I was nervous, anxious, excited, and nauseous. Not really a good combination, but it was what I would have to work with.

Before flying out the door, I was stopped by Mona who was just rubbing her eyes awake.

"Good morning." She yawned, motioning over to Gretchen's empty bed across the room. "Where's the wicked witch? Her door slamming didn't wake me like it usually does." 

"Don't know. Don't care." I chirped quickly, throwing the strap of my bag over my shoulder. "I'm off. Wish me luck."

"Wait!" Mona jumped up from her bed faster than I'd ever seen her move and scrambled over to me, throwing her arms around my neck in an abrupt hug that I didn't realize was just what I needed right now. "Good luck, lover girl."

"Thank you, Mona." I chuckled, returning her hug as I took a cleansing breath. "I'll see you at breakfast."

She squealed excitedly, clapping her hands as she pulled away with a bright smile on her face. She really was my number one cheerleader. God knows where I would be without her.


At this point, I was a pro at sneaking into Gryffindor tower.

The Fat Lady really needed to get her shit together, if I'm being honest. She's never once noticed me sneaking into the tower she was supposed to be closely guarding. Either I was too good at this, or she needed to take her job more seriously. Either way, I was in, and fighting the urge to run up the stairs that lead to Leo.

I could've just waited for him to head to breakfast and pulled him aside then, but I was too anxious to get these words and feelings and thoughts out, so I just decided to go to him first thing. Hopefully he's the one to answer the door and not Beckham or one of the Morse twins. That would be quite the speed bump, and I didn't have the patience for speed bumps right now. I just wanted everything to go as smoothly as possible...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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