Part 8 : Exploring Evolving Beliefs on Sexuality and LGBTQ+ Rights

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As I have explored the topic of sexuality, I have come to question many of my previous beliefs. In the past, I was taught that individuals with different sexual preferences were mentally ill and deserved to be mistreated or even killed. However, I now realize that there is no justification for harming someone who is not harming anyone else. As I delved into history, I discovered that the struggle for LGBTQ+ rights is similar to the fight for women's rights. Many corporations and wealthy individuals recognized the market value in supporting LGBTQ+ rights and understood that many members of the LGBTQ+ community have significant purchasing power. Therefore, they supported activism and other efforts for equality, not necessarily out of morality or altruism, but out of self-interest and profit. I began to wonder whether this support for the LGBTQ+ community is genuine or if it would wane if it became less profitable or fashionable. Ultimately, I have come to respect all individuals as long as they do not harm others.

Although I initially believed that the widespread support for LGBTQ+ individuals was genuine, I started to question its authenticity when I considered whether it would persist if it were no longer financially lucrative or popular. I also began to challenge the notion that different sexual orientations are a form of illness that requires medical treatment, and I came to appreciate and respect all individuals as long as they do not cause harm to others.

The topic of LGBTQ+ issues and children is multifaceted and involves various complexities. While supporting LGBTQ+ rights is crucial, I believe that certain events, such as Hooters, Pride parades, and pageant shows, are inappropriate for children. It is not suitable to expose children to drag queen performances or teach them how to twerk. In addition, I strongly feel that children are not yet mature enough to make life-altering decisions, and transitioning at a young age can potentially be detrimental. Therefore, the LGBTQ+ community should prioritize addressing the issue of detransitioning and providing resources to help individuals who may regret their transition. Ultimately, it is more important for individuals to accept themselves as they are instead of modifying their bodies through surgery. It is important to understand that being trans or gay does not necessarily determine one's gender identity and biological sex is often determined by an individual's genitalia.

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