Part 11 : Unlocking the Power of Dopamine

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To begin improving our outlook, it's important to acknowledge our emotions and accept our current situation without blaming ourselves or others. Seeking help from professionals, friends, family, or other supportive sources can provide guidance, comfort, and motivation. Rather than dwelling on what we lack or can't do, we can practice gratitude for what we have and focus on achievable goals, celebrating progress and accomplishments along the way. Engaging in activities that bring us joy and fulfillment, like hobbies, sports, art, or volunteering, can also boost our mood and well-being. By challenging negative thoughts and beliefs and replacing them with positive ones, we can cultivate a positive mindset and attitude. Meditation, mindfulness, and other techniques can help us manage stress and anxiety and enhance our mental and emotional resilience.

By doing these things, we can empower ourselves and improve our health. We can discover our strengths and potential and pursue our passions and aspirations. You can overcome challenges and obstacles and learn from your failures and mistakes. We can make meaningful connections and relationships with people who share our values ​​and vision. We can make a positive impact on ourselves, others, and the world around us. We can live a life worth living.

This realization prompted me to question the people around me, including my close friends, partner, and family members. From an early age, especially after school, I stopped believing in the idea of ​​friendship. This belief gradually became a fact as I felt more and more lonely because of the differences between myself and the people around me, despite knowing that we are fundamentally different from others. Maintaining relationships with others can be difficult when you feel different.

Close friendships can be particularly challenging, as they are a source of support, companionship, and shared experiences. Feeling like we don't fit in or belong with our peers can lead to feelings of loneliness and disconnection, even if we are surrounded by people. My past experiences, particularly with my ex-girlfriend, reinforced this truth. I realized that to find someone who would care for and love me, I needed to work on myself and become a better person. This meant challenging myself and going against the well-worn path that most people take, even if it meant facing criticism and opposition from those on that path. I refused to be discouraged and saw it as an opportunity to grow. After all, just having the chance to live in this world is a victory in itself. While the world may be unfair depending on where one is born or lives, I believe that everything happens for a reason. Whether we are born in a first world or third world country, whether we are rich or poor, what we are ultimately seeking is the same which is dopamine, that's right, that chemical that floods our brains when we experience pleasure, whether it's from achieving a goal, receiving a compliment, or simply enjoying a good meal. It's what drives us to seek out experiences that make us feel good, that gives us a sense of purpose, and that make life worth living. But here's the thing - dopamine is not a finite resource. It's not something that only the privileged or the wealthy can access. It's within all of us, waiting to be unlocked. It's the sense of accomplishment that comes from working hard and achieving a goal, the joy of spending time with loved ones, and the satisfaction of making a positive impact on the world. It's the little things that bring us joy, that make life worth living, no matter our circumstances.

The truth may be harsh, but you have two options: to keep moving forward or to give up everything. But leaving everything behind would mean the end of the road. You won't be able to move forward or backward, and you will be left to fend for yourself in isolation. You'll either have to summon the strength to persist and survive, or succumb to the dark void of death at a young age, from which there is no coming back. Regrettably, this is an unavoidable consequence.

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