Part 15 : Shaping Our Beliefs and Attitudes to Prevent Depression

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Depression is a state of mind where one becomes overly focused on their own emotions and becomes self-absorbed. It can lead to a lack of concern for anything outside of one's self, making the individual appear selfish. Unfortunately, society now promotes depression as a disease, when in reality, it is a natural trigger that should tell us we need to change something in our lives. It is not a real illness, but rather a symptom of an unsatisfactory life. People who are depressed are often living in a depressing environment. If you are depressed, it is crucial to identify the root cause and make necessary changes to improve your life. Famous people who have committed suicide often had therapists who promoted the idea of depression as a disease and recommended mind-altering drugs that ultimately made the situation worse.

Accepting depression and weakness only promotes it, and individuals should be encouraged to find the root cause of their feelings and make changes instead of relying on depression as an excuse for their failures. Ultimately, depression is a belief, and if you do not believe in it, it cannot hurt you. To put it simply, depression is a state of mind that is shaped by our beliefs and thinking patterns. If someone does not believe that they are depressed, they will not experience the negative consequences of this condition. It is crucial to acknowledge that our thoughts and beliefs have a significant impact on our mental and emotional health.

By adopting positive beliefs and attitudes, we can protect ourselves from falling into depression. Conversely, if we allow negative beliefs and thoughts to control us, we may struggle with feelings of despair and despondency. It is imperative to acknowledge that we hold the power to influence our beliefs and thoughts, and through this ability, we can alter our life experiences and prevent depression from taking root.

It is essential to understand that the beliefs and thoughts we hold play a significant role in shaping our mental and emotional well-being. By choosing to cultivate positive beliefs and attitudes, we can protect ourselves from the negative impact of depression. However, if we allow negative beliefs and thoughts to dominate our minds, we may find ourselves battling feelings of sadness and despair. It is vital to remember that we have control over our thoughts and beliefs, and by actively choosing to shift them in a positive direction, we can change our experiences and avoid the onset of depression.

I firmly believe that depression can only be considered genuine if it stems from actual damage to the brain. In other words, without any physical or neurological cause, it is my opinion that depression is not a legitimate condition. In my view, many people who are clinically depressed are simply experiencing issues in their lives, and if they address those issues, their depression will go away. I do not accept the identity of being a clinically depressed person because believing in depression takes away my power. I choose to believe in discipline instead because discipline empowers me to take control of my life. I believe that moving fast and never slowing down can prevent depression from catching up with you. An analogy could be made with a haunted house scenario: if you don't believe in ghosts, then the haunted house can't hurt you. Similarly, if you refuse to believe in things like depression, which can take power away from you, then you will not be vulnerable to its effects.

Failure can make you stronger and it is essential to have an activity that keeps you physically and mentally exhausted, like going to the gym. Every action you take shapes your character, and aspiring to be a man who can do whatever he wants whenever he wants is a worthwhile goal.

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