Part 9 : Breaking the Cycle of Poverty Through Education

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In my twenties, despite the realization that graduating would not improve my prospects, I felt compelled to do so due to fear of unemployment, depression, and menial labor with low pay and no growth opportunities. Nonetheless, I worked hard and succeeded in my studies, pleasing my parents. However, after graduation, my sense of fulfillment diminished, and I was back to square one. Breaking out of the cycle of poverty and hardship in the third world can be achieved through either migrating to a developed country where fundamental human rights and opportunities abound or investing a substantial amount of time in studying subjects that may not lead directly to employment. Nonetheless, the latter does not necessarily guarantee a well-paying job, even for engineers or doctors. Although aware of the risks, I chose the latter as it was my only viable option at the time. With unwavering motivation and numerous future plans, I continuously sought ways to improve my prospects and believed this was the right path for me. I committed a considerable amount of time and effort to my studies, determined to make the most of the opportunity. Despite the uncertain job market, I was driven to pursue a career in computer science. Having grown up in a third-world country, I always felt that I was one step away from realizing my dreams and breaking out of the cycle of poverty. Earning my degree had been a challenging but fulfilling experience, and I was eager to showcase my skills and knowledge by finding a job that would allow me to do so.

Given the limited options available to me, I decided to pursue the second path mentioned above. I was highly driven and had clear goals for my future. Continuously, I pondered ways to increase my chances of success and was confident that this was the best path for me. I devoted a considerable amount of time and effort to my studies intending to maximize this opportunity. Despite the uncertainty of finding work after graduation, I remained enthusiastic about pursuing a career in computer science. As someone who was born and raised in a developing country, I have always felt that I am on the brink of escaping the third-world conditions and realizing my aspirations. I had worked diligently to obtain my degree and was excited about the possibility of finding a job where I could demonstrate my expertise and talents.

However, my aspirations were soon shattered when I became aware of the highly competitive and prejudiced job market in my home country.

Nonetheless, I refused to abandon my ambitions and continued to enhance my skills and work on personal projects during my free time. I held on to the hope that an opportunity would present itself someday that would enable me to advance my career. I also took the initiative to build professional connections within the industry and attended industry conferences and events to stay up to date with the latest technology and trends.

Despite my best efforts, finding a job in my chosen field remained a challenge. I realized that I needed to broaden my horizons and seek opportunities beyond my home country. I started to apply for positions abroad and even contemplated pursuing further education in a more advanced nation. However, such alternatives came with their own complications, such as language barriers and financial restrictions.

Even with hindrances and obstacles, I remain unwavering in my determination to realize my ambitions. I am confident that with hard work, persistence, and a little bit of good fortune, I can succeed in my profession and create a brighter future for myself and my family.

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