Lost Special 1: Light vs Darkness Pt.1

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*After I found Summer BB's chapter, I decided to see if any other chapters survived 1.8. So, after looking around, I managed to find a certain special....Light Vs Darkness! So, please enjoy this lost special!*

Life in Chaldea was currently very peaceful. After defeating Goetia and two Psuedo Singularities, Ryan was enjoying his life. He could sleep as much as he want and catch up on playing all video games he planned to play a long time ago like The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask and Persona 5. Sure, every once in a while he and his servants would have to go to Irregular Singularity and stop some stupid servant who would try to take over the world, but other than that, the brown haired boy truly believed that his life was great.

Little did he know, in one of the many conference rooms in Chaldea, a battle between light and darkness was about to take place. Around the round conference table sat eight girls that strangely look one another. However, four of the girls were dressed in bright blue and silver clothing while the other four are dressed all in black as all eight girls stared each down. These eight were Artoria (Saber), Artoria Alter (Saber), Jeanne, Jeanne Alter, MHX, MHX Alter, Artoria (Lancer) and Artoria Alter (Lancer).

"Now...let's settle this once and for all.," Artoria (Saber) stated glaring at her counterpart.

"Yes. Let's put this to rest.," Salter said with in a stern and cold voice. "It's time to know if Master likes you 'originals' or us Alters more!"

Yes. That's what they are fighting about. This argument began earlier this morning when Artoria (Lancer) found her counterpart cuddling up her beloved in his sleep. After dragging her out, the two Lancer class servants began arguing loudly about which one should get to sleep besides their master. It wasn't long before the Jeannes overheard the arguments did began stated to take sides, light and dark respectively. Then both Saber Artorias joined in with MHX and MHX Alter following soon after. The argument was so loud that Da Vinci forced the group into the conference room where they were in now to settle their differences. However...that wasn't exactly going well.

"Why do you even like Darling?!," Artoria (Lancer) asked her counterpart. "You just got here two days ago! There's no way you can love him as much I do."

"Incorrect.," the King of Storms said with a smirk. "Our master is destined to be mine. I knew for the moment I first met him. Now back off, you bimbo!!"

Jalter glared at the newest Alter servant. "First of all, Ryan is mine, but I'm willing to let you Alter have some time with him. However, I won't let the lewd Saint take him from me!"

"Lewd?" Jeanne asked with a dark blush on her face. "What do you me-"

"You were quite loud when you and Master had sex a couple months back.," Ex-Chan stated bluntly causing the Saint of Orleans blush harder. "I could hear you all the way from my room which mage it hard to read the book Master lent me."

"At least, Ryan had slept with her!," MHX exclaimed at her Alter. "Unlike you, Ryan has slept with all of us here...well, maybe not Lalter, but she just got here."

"Lalter?," Artoria Alter (Lancer) said deeply confused. "Is that what you ladies have been calling me? I don't mind it, but it will take some time getting used to it."

"Ladies...can we please get back the subject at hand." Saber said causing everyone turn towards her. "Now how do we decide who is the best?"

"I think it's easy to decide.," Saber Alter said. "We compete against each, original vs Alter, by having Master having sex with all of eight of us, two at a time. Once he has slept with all of us, we force him say which is better?"

"Sounds good to me!," Jeanne Alter exclaimed. "Besides, I need to punish him again for being unfaithful again. This is going to be so much fun!"

"It's a good plan..., but how do we decide who goes first?," the Lion King asked causing the other girls trying to figure out how the order would be decided.

"I think I can help with that!," a familiar voice said as the Saber-faces turned to see the devil herself, BB. "We let the readers decide!"

"Readers?," The other girls asked deeply confused. "What ar-"

"Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Let me handle everything!," BB then turned to you and smiled wickedly. "Now dear readers, let Senpai know in the comments on who want to goes first in this special series. Your choices are:
1.) Saber vs. Salter
2.) Jeanne vs Jalter
3.) MHX vs MHX Alter
4.) Lancer vs Lalter
5.) None (BB wins)
Until next time, enjoy any new chapters of How I met my Harem 1.8 and remember who the best kouhai is!"

"Seriously, who the hell are you talking to?!," Jalter exclaimed. "And why are you a fifth choice?!"

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