Lost Special 2: Halloween Seduction

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*So, I managed to find another lost chapter of How I Met My Harem 1.8 and funny enough, it's the 2020 Halloween special. While it's a little early for Halloween, I don't want to rob you, my loyal readers, of a surviving chapter. So, please enjoy.*

Halloween. While many people in Chaldea thought Ryan hated the holiday, it simply wasn't true. In fact, the master of Chaldea loved Halloween. It was the one time of year he could sit back and watch all his favorite horror movies, such as the Witches, Child's Play, Scream, and Nightmare on Elm's Street , while eating a ton of candy. He could even watch his Halloween guilty pleasure, Hocus Pocus. However, the past couple of years, his film fest would be stopped by Elizabeth Bathory and her multiple counterparts with annual Halloween Festival. The brown haired boy would have to go adventure to save Halloween instead watching his favorite horror films.

Luckily, this year Elizabeth wasn't in charge of Halloween. Instead of the dragon idol, it was Shuten Douji as Ryan, Ibaraki Douji, and Chloe von Einzbern went a thrilling adventure in Oniland. Honestly, it was a ton of fun going through an Halloween themed amusement park while stopping an evil gold dragon, which was strange because normally gold dragons are good...well in D&D, they are good. Ryan didn't even mind not recruiting Sitonai because at the end of the adventure, Shuten officially became of his servants and he still had enough time for his Halloween film fest. Little did he know that his newest servant had other plans.

Currently, Ryan was setting things up with a big bowl of candy on his nightstand and the Witches ready to play. Now all he was waiting on was Mashu, who was currently getting into her Halloween costume in her room, so they could get started. Suddenly, he heard a knock on his door.

"Please let that be Mashu....," the young man said as he reluctantly walked towards the door and opened it to see a certain oni smiling at him deviously.

"Trick or Treat!!!," Caster Shuten Douji exclaimed with a cheer.

Ryan just stared at the Oni slightly confused. "Umm...Shuten? You know Halloween is tomorrow right?"

The purple haired girl just smiled back at him. "I know, but you didn't answer my question. So...I'm guessing you're choosing trick right?"

The brown haired boy immediately realized that the Caster class servant was up to something. Whatever it was, it wasn't going to be good.

"No! I choose treat!," the master of Chaldea yelled. "Let me just go get the candy real quick!"

Shuten giggles. "Oh Master....who said I wanted candy? You heard him girls! He said treat!!!"

"Wait? What?!," Ryan exclaimed as Shuten and several of his female servants rushed into the room.

He tried to fight back, but he felt one of girls knock him upside the head causing the young man to black out.


When he woke up, the boy found himself in a familiar situation: him to tied to his bed completely naked and surrounded by some his female servants, but in sexy Halloween costumes.

However, that's not what Ryan focused on at the moment. "Seriously?! Can you girls please stop tying me up?! This is not one of my fetishes!!"

"Are you sure about that?," Shuten asked. "I've heard how many times that this has happened to you, but we can talk your fetishes another time. It's time to give your treat."

"I don't think so! Mashu will be here any moment!," the master declared. "She'll stop you!"

Shuten laughed. "Oh really? Well I got a surprise for you!"

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