Chapter 16 The Darkness

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Chapter 16 The Darkness

Blue felt ready, in the darkness of the night.

He lay turned to Yim in the dormitory, watching his resting face.

And a smile edged his warmth as he watched Yim feign sleep.

That night he was going to give himself over to darkness.

And he thought he would have to do so without his other side.

So his feet performed their creeping dance again.

He quietly left the large sleeping room and waited for Yim.

Monk Pali had brought him many books from the city and with a small oil lamp he was ready to explore the other side of his medal by their tree.

With a book pressed against his chest, he waited for Yim outside the dormitory.

And the latter made Blue's aura glow as he suddenly came through the door with equally silent feet.

And Yim's skin flushed the colour of deepest shame as he let Blue catch him.

A silent moment hovered between them.

Blue looked deeply at him and smiled with love.

Yim scratched his head, unable to hold Blue's gaze.

Until the most tender hand settled on Yim's cheek, sending Blue's silent message to him.

Blue showed him the outline of a book under his sarong and wordlessly asked him for solitude.

And Yim felt all the wings of freedom oppose this wish.

Everything in him refused Blue's wish.

So he wanted to be alone.

Yim was not to follow him.


His brother Blue now knew he was watching him at night and now stopped him.

And Blue saw in Yim the childlike defensiveness.

The dark forest carried only the melody of the night's silence.

Yim spoke not a word.

And yet Blue, heard his soul struggle.

And he pulled Yim into an embrace.

Showed him his warmth.

Filled him with the aura of peace and love.

And Yim embraced his brother as if to take him in.

And his strong arms reluctantly let him go as Blue gently released.

And Blue's twinkling eyes in the darkness begged for permission.

Yim's heart gave a heavy thud as he tried to accept Blue's wish.

Slower and slower it beat as he walked back to the dormitory.

Breathing became heavier and heavier as he lay down.

And Yim's soul plunged into darkness as he felt himself without his brother.

The night pressed harder and harder against his mind.

And his heart resisted every pull of strength.

Yim put his hands on his face and sought his inner peace.

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